How should a biblical understanding of conversion impact our evangelism?


How should a biblical understanding of conversion impact our evangelism? A biblical understanding of conversion should lead us to:

What are some relevant factors in thinking about a church missions budget?


The Bible teaches that our love for the gospel is verified in part by our love for supporting gospel work beyond the sphere of our own church (see 3 John). Therefore, we should discipline ourselves to give faithfully to advance gospel work beyond our local church. With that in mind, here are a few ideas that might be worth considering.

How should churches get involved with and think about short-term mission trips?

Churches should view short-term mission trips as an opportunity to serve workers they support. This means that churches should begin by asking whether or not the missionaries want them to come on a short-term trip. Next, churches should ask the missionaries how they can best serve them, and then be willing to do whatever they ask, even if it’s a week of childcare so that the workers can train or plan together.

Should a church equally support all church members who desire to do foreign missions?


Churches have limited resources. This means that churches will have to make tough decisions about who to support, and how much. To help think through those tough decisions, here are some factors to consider:

What are some recommended resources on missions? And not recommended?


 Here are three of our favorite introductions to the topic of missions:

How can foreign missionaries best serve countries that already have an established Christian church?

Learn the local culture. The apostle Paul adapted his lifestyle to non-Jews (and Jews!) he evangelized (see 1 Cor. 9:21). This means that he paid enough attention to notice how their culture differed from his. So, rather than hopping off the airplane and beginning to correct everything, a missionary should ask questions about the worldview, presuppositions, and customs of the people to whom they are trying to minister.

What are some ways businesspeople can get into missions?

Businesspeople can be consultants for a business project that is serving as a missions platform. Many church planters in restricted areas use business as a means of gaining and maintaining access to such countries. Businesspeople can be consultants for such projects without ever having to leave their homes. And, with the relationships and knowledge they develop through consulting, businesspeople can engage in the mission work in a variety of other, more direct ways, such as short-term trips that combine evangelism and consulting.

How should individual Christians partner with their local churches for missions?

Become a member of a local church. Get to know the leaders of that local church. Make your desires known to those leaders. Invite them to evaluate your fitness for the work you desire to do based on your existing track record in ministry. Get to know the church’s overall vision for missions. Find out if there is any way for you to be directly involved with mission work the church is already supporting or is planning to begin.

What are some tips for churches to best support overseas missionaries?

Communicate often and openly. Expect misunderstandings, and try to ward them off by communicating freely and frequently. Seek to build a close, trusting relationship with every worker you support. Invest in the missionaries, not just in their work. Agree upon goals for the relationship as well as for the ministry. Be explicit about your side’s goals. No hidden agendas. Talk openly about money and hold one another accountable as stewards of God’s resources.

How much theological agreement is necessary in a partnership between a local church and a foreign missionary?

It depends. The answer to that question depends on what a church and a missionary are partnering to do. For instance, partnering together to distribute copies of the Bible or to make an audio recording of the Scriptures in another language requires less theological like-mindedness than partnering together to plant churches.

How can I make the most of the preaching I hear every week?

Throughout the week, meditate on the passage that will be preached on Sunday. Pray for your pastor as he prepares his sermon. Take notes on the text. Ask questions of the text. Pray through the text. Prepare for Sunday morning. On Saturday night or Sunday morning, pray for your upcoming opportunity to hear God’s Word preached. Pray that your heart would be soft and humble before it.

What should I do if I disagree with something my pastor said?

Pray for humility and understanding. Ask a trusted, godly friend who knows the Bible well about the statement. Listen to their explanation and be open to the possibility that you either misunderstood, or that the statement the pastor made is biblically correct and you’re the one whose thinking needs to adjust.

I don’t like the direction my church is heading. How can I know when it’s time to find another church?


Every situation is different, and it’s impossible to speak precisely about any one situation. That said, here are some criteria worth keeping in mind in every situation:

I don’t feel like there are opportunities for me to get involved in my church. What should I do?


Sometimes we get so fixated on programs and official positions in the church that it’s easy to miss opportunities right in front of our eyes. To help remedy that potential near-sightedness, here are two ways that you can always get involved in any church.

What should I look for in a church?

Expositional preaching. Does the pastor preach God’s Word, or his own ideas? Does he allow Scripture to set his preaching agenda, or does he pick topics by some other criteria? (2 Tim. 2:15, 4:2-2) Biblical theology. Does the church openly confess key biblical doctrines? Do the leaders consistently teach sound doctrine? (Tit. 1:9-11)