How Pastors Can Equip Women for Ministry

By Bob Johnson | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Women | 07.01.2010

Equipping women for ministry is a necessary piece in the puzzle that is the local church.

Discipling Men vs. Discipling Women

By Deepak Reju | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Women | 07.01.2010

How should the Bible’s teaching about men and women inform my pastoral work?

The Genesis of Gender and Ecclesial Womanhood

By Owen Strachan | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Women | 07.01.2010

Don’t miss the point here: gender is front and center in creation, the fall, and the curse.

How to Separate Deacon Work from Elder Work

By Matt Schmucker | 9Marks Journal: Deacons | 04.28.2010

Whether between the pastors and the congregation or within the church’s leadership, division causes Christ’s church to suffer.

The Committee-Free, Task-Specific Deacon

By Matt Schmucker | 9Marks Journal: Deacons | 04.28.2010

Let me put this starkly: committees don’t work!

Good Friday Meditation: A Fitting Crown

By Michael Lawrence | 9Marks Journal: The Gospel | 04.02.2010

In love, God decided that the story of thorns would end at the cross.

Leaving Home, Returning Home

By Michael Lawrence | 9Marks Journal: The Gospel | 04.02.2010

The consequences of Adam and Eve’s rebellion are even more profound than at first appeared.

When, Why, & Where To Draw Boundaries

By Wayne Grudem | 9Marks Journal: Cooperation | 04.02.2010

It is impractical and impossible to rule out doctrinal errors before they appear. Problems must be dealt with after . . . they have become a significant problem for the church.

Why Every Pastor-in-Training Should Read Ed’s Book: An Interview with Michael Lawrence

By Michael Lawrence | 9Marks Journal: Counseling in the Church | 04.02.2010

It’s easy to critique pastors who are fixated on „numbers.“ But what’s the root issue there, and where does it show up in my heart?

„I Learned the Hard Way“: Mentoring at South Woods Baptist

By Phil Newton | 9Marks Journal: Raising Up the Next Generation of Pastors | 04.02.2010

One of the most important things that I can do for staff is to help them understand the diversity in the body of Christ and how to work patiently with all sorts of people.

How to Become a Liberal Without Attending Harvard Divinity School

By Michael Lawrence | 9Marks Journal: A New Evangelical Liberalism | 04.02.2010

I love my sheep. And I love myself. And it’s those two loves, wrongly focused, that tempt me down a gospel-denying path.

A Deacon on a Deacon’s Reward

By John Ingold | 9Marks Journal: Deacons | 03.31.2010

“Blessed to serve” is a phrase that rolls off the tongue readily enough, though often with less consideration than it deserves

Moving from a Deacon-Led to an Elder-Led Church

By Phil Newton | 9Marks Journal: Deacons | 03.31.2010

Rather than a healthy, robust congregationalism, this church practiced congregational micromanagement.

Do We Need To Use the Titles “Elder” and “Deacon”?

By Benjamin Merkle | 9Marks Journal: Deacons | 03.31.2010

There are no biblical qualifications for trustees, council members, “leadership teams,” or other titles of our devising.

The Biblical Qualifications and Responsibilities of Deacons

By Benjamin Merkle | 9Marks Journal: Deacons | 03.31.2010

The main difference between an elder and a deacon is a difference of gifts and calling, not character.