What is the Discipline of Biblical Theology?
By Graeme Goldsworthy | 02.26.2010If systematic theology is derivative of biblical theology, then pastoral theology is derivative of systematic theology.
Lessons in Shepherding 4: Acts, 1 Peter, and Revelation
By Paul Alexander | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 2) | 02.26.2010Why must an elder pay close attention to himself? Isn’t that selfish? No. It’s responsible.
Lessons in Shepherding 1: God, Moses and David
By Paul Alexander | 9Marks Journal: Elders (Part 2) | 02.26.2010The man who is a shepherd of God’s people must know that he is a guardian of God’s fame, a fact in which he should find tremendous confidence.
What are the Essentials of the Gospel?
By Phil Newton | 02.26.2010Unless Genesis 1:1 is true, then we will have problems convincing anyone that there is a problem with sin and a need for redemption.
Cleaning Up the Rolls
By Matt Schmucker | 9Marks Journal: Church Membership: Holding the Body Together | 02.26.2010Bad records and outdated rolls trouble any faithful pastor’s existence. Yet before you sweep things clean, consider both why and how this should be done.
Cleaning Up the Rolls (Part 2): The Care List
By Matt Schmucker | 02.26.2010Why go to all this trouble? Too many times, we had seen Satan exploit the newness or suddenness of a motion for discipline in our meetings.
Dealing with Bad Documents
By Greg Gilbert | 9Marks Journal: Confessions, Covenants, and Constitutions: How to Organize Your Church | 02.26.2010Very often a new pastor will find a statement of faith like our church had—unclear at best and heretical at worst.
A Call To the Ministry
By Basil Manly | 02.26.2010More ministers, and better ministers, are the great want of the Church.
Cultivating a Culture of Missions in a Small Church
By Tom Ascol | 9Marks Journal: Missions | 02.26.2010Small churches are not exempt from the work of missions, nor should they want to be.
Cultivating a Culture of Counseling and Discipleship
By Tim Lane | 9Marks Journal: Counseling in the Church | 02.26.2010When we live as children of light, we live a persuasive lifestyle that gets the attention of the non-Christian.
How My Mind Has Changed: The Centrality of the Congregation
By Mark Dever | 02.26.2010Love is largely local. And the local congregation, then, is the place which claims to display this love for all the world to see.
WWJD – What Would Jim Do?
By Phil Ryken | 9Marks Journal: Young Pastors | 02.26.2010I was privileged to serve with Jim Boice for five years at Tenth Presbyterian until his sudden death from liver cancer in 2000.
What Is this Thing, Anyway? A Multi-Site Taxonomy
By Greg Gilbert | 9Marks Journal: Multi-site Churches | 02.26.2010Congregational? Presbyterian? Episcopalian? Presbygational? Conbypalian? Epigregyterian? I’ve heard them all (even made up a few myself).
“Its just as congregational as any other church,” some argue. “We have a meeting of the whole church every quarter.”
“No, it’s Presbyterian” others say. “You have a group of pastors that makes decisions for multiple congregations.”
On Reading and Studying as a Pastor
By Ligon Duncan | 02.26.2010But precisely because our people are bathed in trivial information in this day and age, they need a shepherd with real knowledge, much discernment, and a nose for truth.
What I Can and Cannot Live With as a Pastor
By Mark Dever | 9Marks Journal: Young Pastors | 02.26.2010Something can be true, yet we can decide as pastors that our congregations are not ready to act tomorrow in a way they might be ready to act in a year.