No More Mr. Nice: Pastoral Reflections on Kindness

By Aaron Menikoff | 04.28.2017

Kindness may be one of the most overlooked pieces of the fruit of the Spirit. But it shouldn’t be, for it takes us to the very heart of the gospel.

11 Reasons For A Weekly Service Review—And 4 Cautions Once You Start

By Jeff Lacine | 04.26.2017

I’ve found a weekly service review to be one of the most effective tools in ministry for mentoring men and growing as a preacher.

Dear Wormwood . . .

By Sean DeMars | 04.24.2017

I’m writing to you today because we’re concerned to see a steadily growing trend in America. It’s called “revitalization.”

You Can’t Love Missions without Loving the Local Church

By Caleb Greggsen | 04.19.2017

Service in global missions and service to the local church aren’t opposed to each other—or at least they shouldn’t be.

Pastors, Spend Time with Non-Pastors

By Garrett Kell | 04.13.2017

Pastors, we must use some of our best time, energy, and resources training up plumbers, lawyers, teachers, and bankers.

Pursuing Contentment through Your Ordinary Local Church

By Erik Raymond | 04.06.2017

Your church has a primary role in your personal pursuit of contentment. Does this surprise you?

7 Dos and Don’ts of Discipling Singles

By Whitney Woollard | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Singles | 03.22.2017

Here are seven simple things we can do—and not do!—so singles in our midst know we love them and respect them as fellow image-bearers of God.

Single Pastors, Biblical Counseling, and the Local Church

By Bert Daniel | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Singles | 03.20.2017

How can a single pastor build a constructive counseling ministry in the context of the local church?

Did Paul Prefer Singleness?

By Thomas R. Schreiner | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Singles | 03.20.2017

Given the cultural climate in the United States, it’s surprising to see how positively Paul speaks about being single.

How Did Paul Pastor Singles?

By Frank Thielman | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Singles | 03.20.2017

Paul makes it clear in 1 Corinthians 7 that singleness is not a predicament that needs to be addressed, an emergency that needs attention, or a problem that needs to be solved.

Pastoring Discontented Singles

By Jeremy Pierre | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Singles | 03.20.2017

A basic distinction between fact and interpretation is helpful when pastoring discontented singles.

9 Ways to Pastor Those Longing for Marriage

By Matt Smethurst | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Singles | 03.20.2017

As you shepherd those longing for a spouse, don’t miss the opportunity to listen, to comfort, and to speak truth in love.

A Gospel-Centered Framework for Ministering to Lonely People

By DW | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Singles | 03.20.2017

Even the best things in life cannot fill a human being’s need for companionship.

Singleness in Modern Culture

By Owen Strachan | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Singles | 03.20.2017

Vocation and service: two major areas of life that are often neglected in the pulpit, but that help the people of God find purpose and hope in this fallen, often lonely world.

Diagnostic Questions for Ministering to Singles

By Mary Willson | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Singles | 03.20.2017

As you are preaching through the Scriptures and thinking about applying the text, you might consider whether your text addresses questions like these.