What Catholicity Requires: Tightly Held Beliefs and Big Hearts
By Scott Logsdon | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 11.27.2023How do we partner well with others when our convictions don’t align?
“Very Sweet Honey”: Basil of Caesarea’s Friendship with Syrian Christian Eusebius of Samosata
By Michael A. G. Haykin | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 11.27.2023Eusebius’s friendship with Basil of Caesarea during the doctrinal watershed of the 370s is of vital importance and should be remembered in any account of the Cappadocian theologian’s formulation of the Holy Spirit’s deity.
The Great Commission Is Bigger Than Your Church
By Bobby Jamieson | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 11.20.2023The Great Commission is bigger than your local church. How should that shape your priorities and posture as a pastor?
4 Things to Remember When Talking About Your Church
By Alan Patrick | 11.14.2023If you’re going to talk about your sheep, remember to tell the whole story.
How to Use Prayer Meetings to Promote Catholicity
By Ben Lacey | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 11.13.2023Use your prayer meeting to help create Great Commission culture in your church, a culture that puts competition to death and extends friendship, hospitality, and generosity to other churches.
Six Marks of a Good Sermon
By Nick Gardner | 11.09.2023How does a preacher know if he’s preaching good sermons?
Church Planting Is Rarely Rapid
By Matthew Spandler-Davison | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023There are two great threats to gospel work in the world’s poor and unengaged communities today: the prosperity gospel and the encouragement toward rapid multiplication.
Equipping Women for Church Planting
By Sharon Dickens | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023Equipping women well and releasing them to serve surely benefits the home and church.
Why Bad Polity Hurt My Church Plant
By Phil Newton | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023Labor on developing polity before starting a church.
Preaching in a Church Planting Context
By Clint Darst | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023As you step into the laborious, weighty, joyful, and glorious work of church planting, I offer you four simple encouragements.
Five Trends in Church Planting
By M. Rogers, P. Newton | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023Trends should become norms only when they arise from biblical roots.
International Churches as Strategic Gospel Multipliers
By Caleb Greggsen | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023International churches can work as strategic platforms for enhancing existing gospel work in a city.
Shepherding the Heart in Sending
By Dave Kiehn | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023How do you shepherd the hearts of those who are sent? What about those who stay?
Preparing to Plant Is a Whole Church Effort
By Dwayne Milioni | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023A “whole church” approach to planting involves preparing, sending, and ongoing engagement of church planters and their teams.
Revitalization with an Eye Toward Church Planting
By Matt Capps | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023If you are currently in the midst of a revitalization, don’t necessarily neglect church planting.