400-Year-Old Lessons from English Baptists and Persecution

By Michael A. G. Haykin | 9Marks Journal: Vanishing Church? | 10.30.2014

May these persevering lives in the midst of persecution and suffering instruct us, as perhaps even now we endure, or are preparing to endure.

Left Behind in America: Following Christ after Culture Wars

By Russell D. Moore | 9Marks Journal: Vanishing Church? | 10.28.2014

The cultural tumult around us is no cause for either the clenching of the fists or the wringing of the hands.

Blessed Are the Persecuted

By Greg Cochran | 9Marks Journal: Vanishing Church? | 10.28.2014

As we contemplate persecution—and the persecuted—we realize that blessedness is something more than (and something strangely different from) what we had imagined.

How to Survive a Cultural Crisis

By Mark Dever | 9Marks Journal: Vanishing Church? | 10.24.2014

Here are seven principles for surviving the very real cultural shifts the church is presently enduring.

The American Jeremiad: A Bit of Perspective on the Rhetoric of Decline

By Matt McCullough | 9Marks Journal: Vanishing Church? | 10.23.2014

We must guard against responses to cultural decline that appeal to a past that never existed or a future God hasn’t promised.

Not Satisfied with Our Shepherding . . . Yet

By Bob Johnson | 10.22.2014

Church membership is not primarily for recruiting volunteers to make ministries run better. Church membership is a commitment to help one another make it to heaven.

Cheerful Confidence after Christendom

By Timothy Larsen | 9Marks Journal: Vanishing Church? | 10.21.2014

Who but Christians really believe that the story we inhabit ends as a comedy and not a tragedy?

Sexuality and Silence

By Andrew Wilson | 10.17.2014

Our desire to be wisely engaged in the culture should affect how we talk about ethical issues, but not whether we do at all.

Why Are Young Blacks Leaving the Church?

By Tony Carter | 10.16.2014

The world needs a church that knows that Satan does not mind it embracing the implications of Christ as long as it does not embrace and thus proclaim Christ himself.

On Being an “Ordinary” Christian: An Interview with Michael Horton

By Alex Duke | 10.14.2014

If we were more serious about these ordinary means of grace, I’m convinced the church would have a much stronger witness in the world today.

The Problem with Evangelistic Programs

By J. Mack Stiles | 10.09.2014

A strict diet of evangelistic programs produces malnourished evangelism.

9Marks in Mindanao

By Matthew Spandler-Davison | 10.08.2014

It felt utterly inadequate to come all this way to present a workshop on expositional preaching, biblical leadership, and meaningful membership.

Twenty-Two Problems with Multi-site Churches

By Jonathan Leeman | 10.01.2014

In an age which wants authenticity and reality, multi-site is ironically anti-incarnational: it divides Word from flesh.

If You’re Thinking About Leaving a Church . . .

By Mark Dever | 09.30.2014

Do everything within your power to reconcile any broken relationships.

Encourage One Another: Giving Grace with Your Words

By Garrett Kell | 09.24.2014

Encouragement is like oxygen in the life of a church. It keeps hearts beating, minds clear, and hands inspired to serve.