“The Sin of Infant Baptism”, Written by a Sinning Baptist

By Mark Dever | 06.13.2014

In my article in the new 9Marks e-journal, I wrote, “I have many dear paedo-baptists friends from whom I have learned much. Yet I see their practice as a sinful (though … keep reading…

What Is the Gospel?

By Greg Gilbert | 06.13.2014

The Bible seems to use the word “gospel” in two different, but highly related, ways.

This Paedobaptist Agrees with Mark

By R. Scott Clark | 06.13.2014

I’m quite convinced that the Baptists are wrong, but Mark is right that it’s sinful to remain unbaptized.

Making Silence Together

By Mark Dever | 06.13.2014

One of the most frequently commented upon aspects of the morning Lord’s Day service here at Capitol Hill Baptist Church is nothing we do.  Or rather, it is the nothing … keep reading…

Don’t Compromise on Complementarianism

By Greg Gilbert | 06.12.2014

The Bible says quite a lot about fellow members of a church living together in peace.  “Make every effort to do what leads to peace,” Paul says.  And in another … keep reading…

Transcendence and Immanence in Parenting, Pastoring, Evangelism, and Discipleship

By Jonathan Leeman | 06.12.2014

 1. Transcendence and Immanence in Parenting The topic of parenting isn’t something I choose to think about. It’s something that’s thrust upon me day by day, even minute by minute. Praise God for … keep reading…

Mistakes Pastors Make in Practicing Church Discipline

By Jonathan Leeman | 06.12.2014

1.They fail to teach their congregation what church discipline is and why to practice it. 2.They fail to teach about and practice meaningful membership. This involves cultivating a culture of … keep reading…

Stop Preaching to “Non-Christians”

By Mike McKinley | 06.12.2014

I hate the word “non-Christian”. Christians use it all the time to describe people who are not Christians.  For example, we might say something like, “I invited my non-Christian neighbor … keep reading…

Beware Your Seminary Professors

By Jonathan Leeman | 06.12.2014

A seminary professor is not the same thing as a church elder. That was probably the main thing I observed at last week’s Gordon Conwell Seminary conference “Renewing the Evangelical … keep reading…

Looking to the Bible On the Multi-Site Issue

By Greg Gilbert | 06.12.2014

Let me say first of all what a privilege it was to have been invited to participate in the panel discussion at Southern Seminary a couple of weeks ago.  I … keep reading…

Learning to Be Yourself as a Preacher: From One Still Trying to Do Just That

By Kevin DeYoung | 06.12.2014

One of the hardest things for any preacher to learn, especially young preachers, is to simply be yourself. 

The Logical Fallacy of Centered-set Churches

By Jonathan Leeman | 06.12.2014

Everyone puts up boundaries. The inclusivist mindset of our day likes to think it doesn’t, but it does. It just excludes those who hold a little too strongly to something … keep reading…

How We Do Congregational Care and Oversight

By Kevin DeYoung | 06.12.2014

We aren’t a model church by any means, but one of the things we’ve worked on a lot over the past five years is how we do congregational care and … keep reading…

Why Use an “In-House” Church Membership Directory?

By Deepak Reju | 06.12.2014

We have a “in-house” church data base that our staff manages so that we can regularly and often reproduce a church membership directory.  While I’m sure there are a lot … keep reading…

How to Show Compassion and Avoid Pastoral Burnout

By Deepak Reju | 06.12.2014

How can pastors avoid burning out as they compassionately care for their people? Here are thirteen suggestions to consider: You are not the Lord.  The most dangerous thing about counseling is … keep reading…