Church Elders (교회의 장로)
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How to Shepherd God’s People Like Jesus
What does effective church leadership look like? In this conversational book, pastor Jeramie Rinne sets forth an easy-to-understand “job description” for elders drawn from the Bible’s teaching on church leadership. Offering practical guidance for new elders and helping church members better understand and support their spiritual leaders, this succinct volume will encourage elders to embrace their calling with grace, wisdom, and clarity of vision.
This book was made possible in partnership with Revival and Reformation Press. Visit their website here.
건강한 교회를 세우는 9가지 표지 시리즈 7권. 성경적인 장로의 자격 조건과 직무를 명확하게 함으로써 교회의 건강한 지도자상을 제시할 뿐 아니라, 장로의 자격을 갖춘 사람들에게 그리스도의 몸인 교회를 목양하라는 하나님의 부르심에 응답하라고 촉구한다.