Nine Marks of a Healthy Church (健康教会九标志)
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You may have read books on this topic before—but not like this one. Instead of an instruction manual for church growth, this classic text offers tried and true principles for assessing the health of your church. Whether you’re a pastor, a leader, or an involved member of your congregation, studying the nine marks of a healthy church will help you cultivate new life and well-being within your own church for God’s glory. This book is a good introduction and study guide considering the essential marks of a Healthy Church.
狄馬克(Mark Dever )針對所有被上帝使用服事教會的人寫了這本名為《健 康教會九標誌》的書,文如其名作者就是希望通過這本書幫助閱讀者瞭解甚麼才是健康的教會。這本書編排的很好,作者的思路非常清晰。教會的屬靈健康來自聖經的標準,不是外在的表現而是在上帝面前的內在模式。本書關注的不是教會人數的增長而是教會的健康成長,這才是上帝為中心的事奉的正確目標,也是為了上帝的榮耀和拯救失喪的靈魂而認真擔負責任的教會。主耶穌基督曾經用身體的健康來比喻我們的屬靈狀況“康健的人用不著醫生,有病的人才用得著,作者也以此為當 今教會把脈,本書探討了決定教會健康成長的九個標誌分別是: