The Deliberate Church (深思熟虑的教会)
Purchase Book
Building Your Ministry on the Gospel
Mark Dever and Paul Alexander provide a model of a biblical church in this resource for pastors, elders, and others interested in the vitality of their church. This highly practical book proposes an attitude of complete reliance on and submission to the Gospel in building a healthy church.
關於廿一世紀的教會和其牧者們面對的問題,狄馬可作了許多深思熟慮,條理分明,依據聖經的思。這本著作是他一系列出版物的壓軸之作,他在其中為教會論奠定 了深檢驗的神學框架。通過適當的問題,他激發讀者思考教會結構的權威性,教會的性質.形式.敬拜.聖禮.宣講.職分及其要求,運作方式,以及對外拓展。他 引導我們實際應用這些必備原則,讓教會生活能生機勃勃,榮耀神,以基督為中心,並忠於聖經。