Twelve Challenges Churches Face (교회가 직면한 12가지 도전)

Longtime pastor and leading authority on church health, Mark Dever draws from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians to tackle twelve major challenges facing the church today. As he presents each challenge, Dever provides practical ways for individuals and churches to respond biblically. Writing for both church leaders and laymen, Dever insists that the health of the local church should be the concern of every believer and that God can overcome the most difficult of challenges.

This book was made possible in partnership with Revival and Reformation Press. Visit their website here.

사도적인 입장에서 오늘날의 교회를 성경적, 신학적, 목회적으로 접근한 책이다. 저자는 이 책을 통해 오늘날의 교회가 직면하고 있는 여러 위기와 문제점들이 전혀 새로운 것이 아니며, 그에 대한 유일하고도 완전한 해결책은 바로 성경에 있다고 말한다.