Ben Lacey
How to Use Prayer Meetings to Promote Catholicity
By Ben Lacey | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 11.13.2023Use your prayer meeting to help create Great Commission culture in your church, a culture that puts competition to death and extends friendship, hospitality, and generosity to other churches.
On Humor, with Ben Lacey (Pastors Talk, Ep. 222)
By B. Lacey, J. Leeman, M. Dever | 01.17.2023“Do you think Jesus cracked jokes?”
Listen to this episode of Pastors Talk as Mark Dever, Jonathan Leeman, and Ben Lacey discuss humor in pastoral ministry.
What’s Wrong with Us? Revival vs. Revivalism
By B. Lacey, C. Morell, D. Hodge, J. Leeman, M. Dever, P. Newton | 07.12.2022Mark Dever, Jonathan Leeman, and friends discuss Revival vs. Revivalism, a conversation about two different ways of doing ministry today.
Don’t Walk the Aisle, Carry Your Cross
By Ben Lacey | 9Marks Journal: Pursuing Revival While Avoiding Revivalism | 06.14.2022How many non-Christians sit in your pews every Sunday, hardened in their unbelief because they’ve been given false assurance?
On Pastoral Ministry in Post-Christian Sweden (with Johnny Lithell, Ben Lacey, and Caleb Morell) | Pastors Talk, Ep. 192
By B. Lacey, C. Morell, J. Lithell, M. Dever | 12.14.2021Mark Dever, Caleb Morell, and Ben Lacey chat with Swedish pastor Johnny Lithell about the ups and downs of ministry in a place with so few Christians.
On Plagiarism in the Pulpit (with Ben Lacey) | Pastors Talk, Ep. 175
By B. Lacey, J. Leeman, M. Dever | 07.07.2021Recently, there’s been lots of conversation about what constitutes plagiarism in the pulpit.