Bev Berrus

Special Episode: Living for I AM in a World of “I am” (Priscilla Talk, Ep. 40)

By B. Berrus, B. Linne, J. Manley, K. Folmar, N. Brand | 07.08.2024

In this special episode of Priscilla Talk, Keri Folmar, Jenny Manley, Erin Wheeler are joined by Bev Berrus, Blair Linne and Natalie Brand for a live recording of Priscilla Talk at TGCW 24 Conference.

Discipleship and Growth Among Women in the Local Church, with Bev Berrus (Priscilla Talk, Ep. 33)

By B. Berrus, E. Wheeler, J. Manley, K. Folmar | 04.04.2024

In this episode of Priscilla Talk, Keri, Jenny, and Erin chat with Bev Berrus about how a church with a biblical concern for discipleship and growth can supercharge women’s spiritual lives.

Book Review: The Good Portion Series, edited by Keri Folmar

Review by Bev Berrus | 05.20.2021

I hope these books serve as a guide for women who have heard the call to “teach what is good” (Titus 2:3) and commend the beauty of God’s word to the world with our very lives (Titus 2:5).

Developing A Culture of Women Discipling Women

By Bev Berrus | 9Marks Journal: Complementarianism: A Moment of Reckoning | 12.10.2019

Intentional discipleship changed my life. That’s why I’ve strived to make these kinds of relationships contagious among the women in every church I’ve been a member of.

9Marks at 9: Women and the Local Church

By A. Morse, B. Berrus, K. McCutcheon, K. Folmar | 07.16.2018

Equiping women to know what a healthy church looks like, and how they can work to build up the local church as members.