Chopo Mwanza
How Church Discipline Aims at Heaven
By Chopo Mwanza | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020When we think of church discipline, it’s easy for us to detach it from our future hope. But we must guard against that temptation.
How Can We Care for Our Church Members During COVID-19?
By B. Johnson, C. Mwanza, J. Wiesner, K. Edward Copeland, M. Lohmann, T. Shepherd | 05.01.2020We asked pastors how they’d been serving their people since the pandemic disrupted regular ministry.
4 Members Who Tear Down the Church
By Chopo Mwanza | 11.08.2019All these members have a common thread: self-centeredness. They’ve missed the very essence of salvation; they’ve failed to love God and love people with every ounce of their being.
6 Members Who Build Up the Church
By Chopo Mwanza | 11.04.2019Dear church member, pursue these qualities in your own life and encourage them in others.
Why African Churches Need Membership
By Chopo Mwanza | 9Marks Journal: Church Membership: Following the Lord Together | 05.07.2019Churches in Africa needs to teach and practice biblical church membership because it helps address the false sense of community, nominal Christianity, and the subtle relativism.
What the West Should Know about Churches in Africa
By Chopo Mwanza | 02.01.2019There’s a lot that the church in Africa can learn from our brethren in the West—and vice versa.