David Platt
Pastoring in a Pandemic, Episode 13: Is COVID-19 an Obstacle to the Great Commission? (with David Platt)
By D. Platt, J. Leeman | 05.20.2020COVID-19 seems to have conspired against Christianity. Churches aren’t gathering. Mission trips aren’t happening. Does this mean the Great Commission is in trouble? Tune in as Jonathan Leeman chats with David Platt about COVID-19 and the Great Commission.
A T4G Sermon: Shepherd the Flock of God—Eight Questions for Pastors of God’s People
By David Platt | 04.20.2020The King is coming. The Chief Shepherd of the Church is on the way. And He will reckon, and he will reward. Are you ready? Am I ready?
5 Ways Your Church Can Get Involved in Global Missions Starting Tomorrow
By D. Platt, P. Akin | 9Marks Journal: Missions: Adding Wisdom to Zeal | 12.21.20152.8 billion people have little to no access to the gospel. What can we do about it, starting tomorrow?
SBC15 9Marks at 9 with Dever, Mohler, Platt, Akin, and Charles
By A. Mohler, D. Akin, D. Platt, H. B. Charles, M. Dever | 07.01.2015Mark Dever sits down with David Platt, R. Albert Mohler Jr., H.B. Charles, and Danny Akin to chat about the current state of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Reaching the Unreached
By A. Mohler, D. Platt, J. Mack Stiles, K. DeYoung, M. Dever | 09.30.2013A roundtable discussion on the Great Commission, sending, calling, prayer, patience, and more with the leaders of the Cross Conference.
The State of the Southern Baptist Convention
By A. Mohler, D. Akin, D. Platt, M. Dever | 07.02.2013A roundtable discussion of the past, present, and future of the SBC.
Testimonies of the Underestimated Gospel
By A. Mohler, C. J. Mahaney, C. Trueman, D. Patrick, D. Platt, G. Gilbert, J. D. Greear, J. Mack Stiles, J. Purswell, J. Piper, K. DeYoung, L. Duncan, M. Dever, M. Chandler, M. Schmucker, M. Lawrence, M. McKinley, P. Williams, R. D. Moore, T. Anyabwile | 9Marks Journal: The Underestimated Doctrine of Conversion | 02.29.2012What were the human means and instruments of your conversion?