Garrett Kell

Sabbaticals for the Shepherds

By Garrett Kell | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Church Administration | 09.30.2022

Pastors should take regular sabbaticals and plan them well.

Episode 193: On Top 2021 News Stories for Pastors (with Collin Hansen & Garrett Kell)

By C. Hansen, G. Kell, J. Leeman | 12.21.2021

Last week, Collin Hansen reflected on the top stories of last year. So we had him and Garrett Kell on this episode of Pastors Talk to think through each of these stories pastorally.

On How Can I Find Someone to Disciple Me? (with Garrett Kell & Mike McKinley) | Pastors Talk, Ep. 173

By G. Kell, J. Leeman, M. Dever, M. McKinley | 06.22.2021

Have you ever asked, “How can I find someone to disciple me?” In this episode of Pastors Talk, Jonathan Leeman chats with Mark Dever, Garrett Kell, and Mike McKinley about that common question.

7 Reasons to Preach through 2 Peter

By Garrett Kell | 11.30.2020

Growing in grace. That’s what 2 Peter is all about. Here’s why you should preach through it.

How Love Paves the Way for Hard Conversations (with Garrett Kell)

By G. Kell, J. Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 11.02.2020

Pastors often need to have hard conversations. The best way to prepare people for such conversations is simple—it’s to love them.

How Love Paves the Way for Hard Conversations

By Garrett Kell | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 09.29.2020

Hard conversations must happen, but make sure people have no doubt that your motivation is always, always, always love.

Pastor, Train Future Pastors

By Garrett Kell | 9Marks Journal: Shepherding: The Work & Character of a Pastor | 06.30.2020

The more I studied Scripture and watched pastors I respected, I became convinced that pastors have the opportunity and responsibility to train other pastors.

Episode 131: On Pastoring Amidst National Trauma (with Garrett Kell)

By G. Kell, J. Leeman | 06.05.2020

The past few weeks have been hard. People are grieving and angry, scared and confused.

How Do I Avoid Pastoral Burnout During COVID-19?

By Garrett Kell | 05.01.2020

This pandemic has exposed pastors to new and unexpected pressure points in their ministries

On Shepherding Saints While Sheltered In-Place pastors talk Garrett kell

Episode 120: On Shepherding Saints While Sheltered In Place (with Garrett Kell)

By G. Kell, J. Leeman, M. Dever | 03.24.2020

These days, pastoring seems very different. But the most important things have remained the same.

The Pastor and Pornography podcast

Episode 63: On The Pastor and Pornography (with Garrett Kell)

By G. Kell, J. Leeman | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 11.06.2018

In this episode of Pastors’ Talk, Garrett Kell shares his own past struggles with pornography, and offers counsel to pastors who are currently hiding with secret sin.

pastors and pornography restore him

Does Pornography Use Disqualify a Pastor?

By Garrett Kell | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

The question I want us to consider is this: how do we discern whether or not a pastor who sins with pornography is disqualified?

Why is a membership directory a pastor’s second most important book?

By Garrett Kell | 11.29.2017

Besides the Bible, a membership directory is a pastor’s most important book. But why?

How can a young man work towards the qualifications of a pastor?

By Garrett Kell | 09.19.2017

Whether or not a man desires to pastor, he should pursue pastoral qualifications because they describe lives that honor and bring God glory.

The Difference Between a Planter & Revitalizer

By Garrett Kell | 08.24.2017

God calls all of us to impossible things. So if he calls you to something, he’ll equip you with exactly what you need to do it.

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