J. I. Packer
An Evening Conversation with J. I. Packer – An Interview by Mark Dever
By J. I. Packer, M. Dever | 07.24.2020Originally recorded October 1999 at Capitol Hill Baptist Church, in Washington D. C.
What Did the Cross Achieve?: The Logic of Penal Substitution
By J. I. Packer | 9Marks Journal: The Heart of the Gospel: Penal Substitutionary Atonement | 08.20.2019The task which I have set myself in this lecture is to focus and explicate a belief which, by and large, is a distinguishing mark of the word-wide evangelical fraternity: namely, the belief that the cross had the character of penal substitution, and that it was in virtue of this fact that it brought salvation to mankind.
Life and Ministry with J. I. Packer
By J. I. Packer, M. Dever | 10.17.1999Life and Ministry with J. I. Packer