John Piper

The Aim of Preaching in an Increasingly Hostile Culture to Christianity

By John Piper | 9Marks Journal: A New Christian Authoritarianism? | 11.21.2022

John Piper was recently asked, “How can American pastors begin to prepare the churches for persecution?”

On Singing, with John Piper (Pastors Talk, Ep. 216)

By J. Piper, J. Leeman, M. Dever | 11.01.2022

Jonathan Leeman chats with Mark Dever and John Piper about music in the church. They discuss manipulating emotions, raising hands in worship, mere musical accompaniment, and more!

Episode 212: On Preaching (with John Piper)

By J. Piper, J. Leeman, M. Dever | 10.04.2022

John Piper joins Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman to discuss biblical preaching on this episode of Pastors Talk.

Three Ways Our Deeds Relate to Our Salvation

By John Piper | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020

The biblical texts relating to this issue are many and diverse, but not contradictory. If you take any one of them and treat it as the whole picture, you will almost surely lead people astray.

restore Christian pornography to church

Can We Restore Pastors After Sexual Sin: A Short Answer

By John Piper | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

Can we restore pastors after sexual sin?

The Reformation and the Glory of God

By John Piper | 9Marks Journal: The Reformation and Your Church | 09.26.2017

Our salvation could never be merited so that the entire transaction would culminate soli Deo Gloria—to the glory of God alone.

Contemporary America and a Call to Prayer

By John Piper | 9Marks Journal: Vanishing Church? | 10.31.2014

I appeal to all Christians: Let us move to a new level in our commitment to pray for the outpouring of God’s saving and sanctifying power in our day.

Prosperity Preaching: Deceitful and Deadly

By John Piper | 9Marks Journal: Prosperity Gospel | 01.15.2014

Pastors, don’t preach a message that kindles suicidal desires.

Leadership Interview with Mark Dever

Race, the Cross, and the Christian Life

By J. Piper, M. Dever | 07.03.2012

John Piper addresses racism, the gospel, obstacles to reconciliation, and white guilt in this discussion of his recent book Bloodlines.

Testimonies of the Underestimated Gospel

By A. Mohler, C. J. Mahaney, C. Trueman, D. Patrick, D. Platt, G. Gilbert, J. D. Greear, J. Mack Stiles, J. Purswell, J. Piper, K. DeYoung, L. Duncan, M. Dever, M. Chandler, M. Schmucker, M. Lawrence, M. McKinley, P. Williams, R. D. Moore, T. Anyabwile | 9Marks Journal: The Underestimated Doctrine of Conversion | 02.29.2012

What were the human means and instruments of your conversion?

Did Moses Marry a Black Woman?

By John Piper | 9Marks Journal: Race and Ethnicity | 02.25.2010

Where racial intermarriage is disapproved, the culture with money and power will always dominate and always oppress.

Leadership Interview with Mark Dever

Particular Redemption, The New Perspective, and More (with John Piper and Bruce Ware)

By B. Ware, J. Piper, M. Dever | 02.28.2007

John Piper offers his thoughts on the New Perspective and other prominent topics today. He also briefly interacts with Bruce Ware on the extent of the atonement.

A Writer’s Retrospective

By J. Piper, M. Dever, M. Schmucker, M. Lawrence | 09.24.2003

An interview with John Piper.