Mark Dever

Leadership Interview with Mark Dever

Christianity in Kenya

By K. Mbugua, M. Dever | 08.04.2014

A Kenyan pastor reflects on the prosperity gospel, urbanization, biblical literacy, Islamic influence, meaningful membership, and more.

Leadership Interview with Mark Dever

Raising Up Leaders

By J. Leeman, M. Dever | 07.01.2014

Mark Dever answers Jonathan Leeman’s questions about his strategies for raising up elders in the church.

Where’d All These Calvinists Come From?

By Mark Dever | 06.18.2014

Two events served to bring to the front of my mind the growing prominence of reformed theology among the young in the American evangelical scene. I was having dinner in … keep reading…

“Mark Dever Doesn’t Practice Separation”?

By Mark Dever | 06.16.2014

Really?  Some have said this.  But, I must confess that this comes as a surprise to me.  I think defining marks of my time at CHBC have been involved with … keep reading…

“The Sin of Infant Baptism”, Written by a Sinning Baptist

By Mark Dever | 06.13.2014

In my article in the new 9Marks e-journal, I wrote, “I have many dear paedo-baptists friends from whom I have learned much. Yet I see their practice as a sinful (though … keep reading…

Making Silence Together

By Mark Dever | 06.13.2014

One of the most frequently commented upon aspects of the morning Lord’s Day service here at Capitol Hill Baptist Church is nothing we do.  Or rather, it is the nothing … keep reading…

Reflections on Roger Nicole

By Mark Dever | 06.11.2014

In God’s Word we are repeatedly told to give thanks to God. So when God calls people home whom He has used in marked ways in our lives, it’s time … keep reading…

Leadership Interview with Mark Dever

Fellowship in the Church

By J. MacArthur, M. Dever | 06.05.2014

How do we help church members who prefer anonymity to love and open up to each other?

Leadership Interview with Mark Dever

Planting Churches in Hard Places

By M. Dever, M. Spandler-Davison, M. McConnell | 05.02.2014

What does it take to plant churches among the urban poor? What role do women’s ministry and mercy ministry play?

Leadership Interview with Mark Dever

Expositional Preaching

By D. Helm, M. Dever | 04.03.2014

David Helm talks about training preachers, what makes good preaching, and what his new book adds to the mix.

Leadership Interview with Mark Dever

Religion and Politics

By M. Dever, R. Benne | 03.09.2014

What are good and bad ways to think about religion and politics? How should Christians work for the common good in a secularizing age?

Leadership Interview with Mark Dever

Ethical Hard Cases

By D. Morgan, J. Onwuchekwa, M. Dever, R. D. Moore | 02.03.2014

How should a church’s elders address divorce, illegal immigration, substance abuse, in vitro fertilization, and more?

Why Should I Join a Church?

By Mark Dever

Many of us have questions about what it means to live as a Christian in the context of a local church. You may even catch yourself asking, If I believe … keep reading…

How Can Our Church Find a Faithful Pastor?

By Mark Dever

The gift of a godly pastor cannot be overemphasized, but the task of finding a faithful pastor is daunting. In this booklet, seasoned pastor Mark Dever offers clear, biblical insight … keep reading…

The Gospel at Work

By G. Gilbert, M. Dever, S. Traeger | 01.06.2014

Why should Christians work? How can you trust God in the workplace? How can you avoid making an idol of work and being idle in work?