Michael Lawrence

Give Them Time: How to Protect the Assuring Nature of a Child’s Baptism

By Michael Lawrence | 04.12.2024

How do we know if we’re looking at a good kid or a regenerate kid? The one thing we know for sure is that time will tell.

On Conversion, with Brooks Buser and Michael Lawrence (Missions Talk, Ep. 33)

By B. Buser, J. Mack Stiles, M. Lawrence, R. Robertson | 04.11.2024

In this episode of Missions Talk, Ryan Robertson and Mack Stiles talk with Brooks Buser and Michael Lawrence on the doctrine of conversion and how it relates to missions.

Book Review: The Great Dechurching, by Jim Davis & Michael Graham

Review by Michael Lawrence | 01.02.2024

The solution to the great dechurching of America isn’t better techniques or a different gospel. It’s healthy churches.

Ecclesiological Triage

By Michael Lawrence | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 09.19.2023

How do we decide when and to what extent to cooperate with churches that are more or less like-minded?

On Training Preachers, with Michael Lawrence (Preachers Talk, Ep. 58)

By D. Helm, J. Meeks, K. Edward Copeland, M. Lawrence | 06.15.2023

Is it even possible to train preachers? If so, why is going to seminary only helpful but insufficient?

In this episode of Preachers Talk, Dave and Jeremy discuss all this and more with their guest Michael Lawrence.

Preaching in the Age of Expressive Individualism: Telling the Story of Our New Identity

By Michael Lawrence | 9Marks Journal: Expressive Individualism in the Church | 03.18.2022

Preach the Word. Apply it to your people’s lives. Tell them who they are in Christ. Remind them where they are in his story. The Word will do the rest.

On Application (with Michael Lawrence) | Preachers Talk, Ep. 31

By D. Helm, J. Meeks, M. Lawrence | 11.19.2021

Every pastor knows they should apply the text. How should we do it well? How can we do it better?

On Pastoring and Parenting (with David Helm, Juan Sanchez, and Michael Lawrence) | Pastors Talk, Ep. 172

By D. Helm, J. Leeman, J. Sanchez, M. Lawrence | 06.08.2021

In this episode of Pastors Talk, Jonathan Leeman chats with David Helm, Juan Sanchez, and Michael Lawrence about parenting as a pastor. 

On Biblical Quotations and Allusions (with Michael Lawrence) | Preachers Talk, Ep. 16

By D. Helm, J. Meeks, M. Lawrence | 01.14.2021

In this episode of Preachers Talk, Jeremy Meeks chats with David Helm and Michael Lawrence about how preachers ought to approach the Bible’s many quotations and allusions.

Live with Your Church Members in an Understanding Way (with Michael Lawrence)

By J. Leeman, M. Lawrence | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 10.20.2020

During tense political seasons, church members need to learn to live with one another in an understanding way. But what does that mean?

Live with Your Church Members in an Understanding Way

By Michael Lawrence | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 09.29.2020

Listening well and loving deeply won’t resolve every political disagreement in your church. It will do something better.

Should I Respond to George Floyd’s Death This Sunday?

By Michael Lawrence | 05.30.2020

We each have to pastor our own flocks in light of their needs, strengths, weaknesses, and blind spots. But we don’t do that in a vacuum. We need to be wise, but we also cannot duck important issues.

Pastoring in a Pandemic, Episode 3: Thinking through the Dilemma of Gathering Again with Michael Lawrence

By J. Leeman, M. Lawrence | 05.06.2020

Jonathan Leeman chats with Michael Lawrence, the senior pastor of Hinson Baptist Church in Portland, Oregon, about the dilemma of our churches gathering again.

The Problem with Altar Calls and the Sinner’s Prayer

The Problem with Altar Calls and the Sinner’s Prayer

By Michael Lawrence | 02.13.2020

There’s no question the Lord has used altar calls and the sinner’s prayer to bring people to himself. But in general, they’re not a good idea. They inoculate people to the gospel, convincing them they no longer need it when in fact they don’t have it at all.

Complementarianism & Theological Triage

By Michael Lawrence | 9Marks Journal: Complementarianism: A Moment of Reckoning | 12.11.2019

I’d like to offer some help on how to talk and think about the application of complementarianism within your own congregation, whether that’s with people you agree with or people you don’t.

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