Nathan Malpass
What’s the Biblical Understanding of Conversion?
By Nathan Malpass | 10.23.2019It’s one thing to *say* that God is totally sovereign in salvation. But it’s another thing entirely to let that conviction shape and constrain how your church actually does ministry.
Must a Preacher Preach the Gospel in Every Sermon?
By Nathan Malpass | 12.27.2018As preachers, we must proclaim the gospel in every sermon. But that doesn’t mean our sermons from Galatians should sound exactly like our sermons from Genesis.
Churches in Australia: The Lucky Country?
By Nathan Malpass | 9Marks Journal: Healthy Churches around the World | 12.12.2016Gospel unity and clarity is slowly growing in Australian churches, though confusion on the church and her mission persist.
Book Review: The Vine Project, by Tony Payne and Colin Marshall
By Nathan Malpass | 07.25.2016I hope that The Vine Project is read widely by churches, planters, pastors, and ministry leaders alike. It faithfully guides its readers toward shaping the culture of the church around disciple-making.