Steve Jennings
Church Planters, Make Sure Your People Know You Love Them
By Steve Jennings | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023I once asked a long-time pastor: “What’s one piece of advice you would give a first-time pastor preparing to plant a church?”
The Foolish Quest for a “Silver Bullet” in Global Missions
By Steve Jennings | 03.02.2018We’ve gone mad trying to unlock what everyone since the days of the apostles hasn’t discovered yet: the perfect formula for explosive, exponential kingdom growth.
Church Planters, Make Sure Your People Know You Love Them
By Steve Jennings | 9Marks Journal: Church Mergers and Plants | 06.20.2017When laying the foundation for a new plant or revitalization, there’s truly no better advice than this: “Before you do anything else, make sure your people know that you love them.”
What Would Happen if You Sent Your Best?
By Steve Jennings | 9Marks Journal: Missions: Adding Wisdom to Zeal | 12.21.2015Sending your best people means new and healthy churches will be planted, and your congregation will mature.
Stop Sending Missionaries: Why More Isn’t Always Better
By Steve Jennings | 9Marks Journal: Missions: Adding Wisdom to Zeal | 12.18.2015The workers are few, and the harvest is great. But that does not mean just any and all workers will do.