
Book Review: The Book of Church Order, by the PCA

Review by Andrew Morgan | 02.23.2024

The 2022 edition of The Book of Church Order of the Presbyterian Church in America (BCO) reflects the denomination’s rich history of biblically informed and theologically reformed church governance.

Book Review: God Redeeming His Bride, by Robert K. Cheong

Review by Shawn Merithew | 03.10.2023

Cheong demonstrates that discipline is an exercise of gospel love that is essential to the identity and mission of Christ’s bride.

Jesus is Not Ashamed of Subjects of Church Discipline

By Erik Raymond | 07.25.2022

Jesus instituted church discipline both to maintain the holiness of the church and to remind his people that he forgives them as they repent of their sins and submit to his lordship. 

13 Pillars for Planting Healthy Churches

By Matt Rogers | 04.11.2022

What ingredients are necessary to plant healthy, strong, biblical churches—and sustain them?

Do Churches Really Discipline for Non-Attendance? A Brief History of Four Baptist Churches

By Caleb Morell | 01.21.2022

Baptists disciplined for non-attendance because they believed attendance was part of the covenant obligations of church membership. Here’s a brief history.

How the Doctrine of Sanctification Propels the Practice of Church Discipline

By Eugene Low | 9Marks Journal: Sound Doctrine: The Foundation for Faithful Ministry | 11.16.2021

Church discipline is a God-given means of growing his people in holiness. It seeks the good of the sinner, the building up of the church, and the glory of God.

How Church Discipline Aims at Heaven

By Chopo Mwanza | 9Marks Journal: Heaven: Rejoicing in Future Glory | 12.22.2020

When we think of church discipline, it’s easy for us to detach it from our future hope. But we must guard against that temptation.

A Strict But Clear Definition of the Church Brings Freedom

By Caleb Greggsen | 08.24.2020

How would you, according to Scripture, define the church? Does this definition free you up or weigh you down?

Why Churches Should Excommunicate Longstanding Non-Attenders

By Alex Duke | 9Marks Journal: Church Discipline: Medicine for the Body | 08.14.2020

I’ve never met a growing and mature Christian who doesn’t regularly attend a gospel-preaching church.

Build Fences Around Your Flock

By Joel Kurz | 9Marks Journal: Shepherding: The Work & Character of a Pastor | 06.30.2020

We must guard the sheep against wolves. For this reason, we must know how to build fences; that is, we must lead our church in practicing meaningful membership and discipline.

Whacking the Wolves

By Juan Sanchez | 9Marks Journal: Shepherding: The Work & Character of a Pastor | 06.30.2020

How should we confront the problem of wolves in the church? At times, we must protect the sheep by whacking the wolves with the shepherd’s rod.

Opportunity or Accommodation? Thinking Through Cultural Practices in the Immigrant Church

By Geoff Chang | 04.10.2020

Different cultural practices can create an opportunity for growth or lead to a compromise of the gospel. How can churches discern whether or not they’re on the road to compromising the gospel?

Why We Produced the Church Questions Series

By Sam Emadi | 04.09.2020

The church isn’t just one aspect of the Christian life, it’s the context of our Christian life—it shapes all the other aspects of our Christian obedience.

4 Reasons You Should Preach through 1 Corinthians

By J. Mack Stiles | 11.18.2019

Let me give you four reasons why it’s worth it to preach through 1 Corinthians.

“Is This a Sin?”: Ethical Triage and Church Discipline

By Andrew T. Walker | 10.02.2019

When it comes to ethical conflicts facing local churches, we need to carefully distinguish categories of “may” (permissible), “should/should not” (advisable), and “must” (obligatory).