
Mailbag #74: The Wisdom of Confronting an Older Pastor . . . Is It Biblical to Call Women “Ministers”? . . . How a Pastor Should Schedule His Week

By C. Humfrey, J. Leeman, P. Newton | 02.15.2019

— One of our elders, a man far older in the faith than us, has begun to regularly preach poor sermons. How should we respond? — I’ve noticed some SBC churches give women on staff the title of “minister” in deliberate distinction from “pastor” or “elder.” Is this practice wise? — What are some principles for how a pastor should schedule his week?

4 Reasons You Should Preach through Jonah

By Josh Vincent | 02.14.2019

The sea Jonah faced looks so small as we consider Jesus standing on the shore looking out upon the seemingly unending sea of God’s wrath.

On Church Planting (with Brian Davis and Nathan Knight)

Episode 75: On Church Planting (with Brian Davis and Nathan Knight)

By B. Davis, J. Leeman, M. Dever, N. Knight | 02.12.2019

What’s the difference between a church plant and a church? Is it best to start a church with a team of pastors rather than a solo pastor?

You’re So Depraved, You Probably Think This Church Is About You: How Total Depravity Upends Attractionalism

By Alex Duke | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019

Unbelievers’ most essential problem is not that they’re ignorant, apathetic, or rudderless, but that they’ve personally, willfully, and happily rebelled against the God who made them.

Episode 73: On Ecclesiology for Calvinist Pastors Talk podcast

Episode 74: On Ecclesiology for Calvinists (with Sam Emadi)

By J. Leeman, M. Dever, S. Emadi | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019

For this episode of Pastors’ Talk, Jonathan interviewed Mark Dever and Sam Emadi about our new Journal, Ecclesiology for Calvinists.

Still Young, Restless, and Reformed? The New Calvinists at 10

By Collin Hansen | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019

In another 10 years, it’s probable no one will talk again of the YRR.

Believe in Particular Redemption? Then Evangelize and Send Missionaries with Abandon

Believe in Particular Redemption? Then Evangelize and Send Missionaries with Abandon

By Greg Turner | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019

If you’re not engaged in evangelism and missions, then you don’t really believe in particular redemption.

Preach the Bible, Not Calvinism

Preach the Bible, Not Calvinism

By PJ Tibayan | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019

Do not aim to preach your system with its terminology. Aim to preach the Bible itself.

How Unconditional Election Sustains Pastoral Ministry

How Unconditional Election Sustains Pastoral Ministry

By Jeramie Rinne | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019

The theological framework commonly called “Calvinism,” and the doctrine of unconditional election in particular, has profoundly shaped my understanding of success in ministry and sustained me through the toil of shepherding.

7 Ministry Consequences of Calvinism

7 Ministry Consequences of Calvinism

By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019

The goal of this piece is not to argue with or even to address the non-Calvinist pastor. It is to say to the Calvinist, “If you believe this, your ministry should look like that.”

Hey Calvinist, Enough of Your Revivalism

By Michael Lawrence | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.04.2019

How do you grow your church? It’s a question every pastor or church leader asks, a question in which almost every Christian is interested.

Don’t Ignore the “Speed Limit”: How the Sufficiency of Scripture Should Make Us Patient

By Dave Comeau | 01.28.2019

The Bible’s speed limit signs are posted everywhere, but our focus on numbers and fast growth causes us to speed right by them.

Book Review: The Preacher’s Catechism, by Lewis Allen

Review by Paul Alexander | 01.24.2019

Preacher, if you don’t think you need to read this book, then, well . . . you need to read this book.

6 Reasons You Should Preach through Obadiah

By Clint Archer | 01.17.2019

Why preach Obadiah? Because your people need to bask in the comfort that God will bring justice to those who target the innocent.

6 Reasons You Should Preach through Amos

By Nathan Loudin | 01.10.2019

Has anyone had a church member recently ask, “Hey, when are you going to finally preach a series through Amos?”