
Six Ways to Give Your People False Assurance

By Mike McKinley | 9Marks Journal: The Underestimated Doctrine of Conversion | 02.29.2012

Don’t preach moralism. Ever. Preach the gospel every week. And then, with the indicatives of the gospel firmly in place, preach the imperatives that necessarily follow.

How Sunday School Can Help Your Preaching

By Jamie Dunlop | 9Marks Journal: Don't Be Too Cool for Sunday School | 12.19.2011

Sunday School makes you a better systematic theologian, which in turn makes you a better applier of God’s Word.

The Bible’s Burden for Church Revitalization

By Bobby Jamieson | 9Marks Journal: Revitalize: Why We Must Reclaim Dying Churches—and How | 10.27.2011

Like Paul, we should have a burden to revitalize churches that are in various stages of sickness. And we’ve got no shortage of those churches, especially in America.

Book Review: Heralds of the King: Christ-Centered Sermons in the Tradition of Edmund P. Clowney, ed. by Dennis Johnson

Review by Bobby Jamieson | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and his Staff, Part 2 | 08.29.2011

This book is a fitting tribute to a man whose writing, teaching, preaching, and personal example have helped a good many pastors to preach Christ from all of Scripture.

Leadership Interview with Mark Dever

The Power of God’s Word

By J. Leeman, M. Dever, S. Linne | 01.31.2011

Mark Dever asks Jonathan Leeman and Shai Linne about the unique power of God’s Word in giving life to the church.

Tips for an Interim Pastor

By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Pastoral Moves | 12.20.2010

Above all else, interim pastors should do these two things: preach the Word and love the people.

What do pastors themselves need in order to preach on hell?


Preaching on hell is no easy task. What do pastors themselves need in order to do it well?

Book Review: The Priority of Preaching, by Christopher Ash

Review by Alistair Begg | 9Marks Journal: Book Reviews on the Mission of the Church | 10.27.2010

All in all I found this short book to be as helpful as anything that I’ve read in a long while on expository preaching. I commend it warmly to all.

Pastoral Fearmongering, Manipulation, and Hell

By Mark Dever | 9Marks Journal: Hell: Remembering the Awful Reality | 08.20.2010

Of course, it’s good to teach our children not to be scared by shadows, and to be wary of those who use fear to sell us something. But what if there really is something to fear?

How can a pastor make wise use of commentaries and other helps in sermon preparation?


A pastor can make wise use of commentaries and other scholarly helps in sermon preparation by using such tools as conversation partners, not as masters.

How? By spending your earliest and best time with the text itself. Meditate on the text. Pray through the text. Exegete the text thoroughly. Outline the text. Ask questions of the text and answer them all yourself before you consult any commentaries.

Do We Need To Use the Titles “Elder” and “Deacon”?

By Benjamin Merkle | 9Marks Journal: Deacons | 03.31.2010

There are no biblical qualifications for trustees, council members, “leadership teams,” or other titles of our devising.

How can I make the most of the preaching I hear every week?

Throughout the week, meditate on the passage that will be preached on Sunday. Pray for your pastor as he prepares his sermon. Take notes on the text. Ask questions of the text. Pray through the text. Prepare for Sunday morning. On Saturday night or Sunday morning, pray for your upcoming opportunity to hear God’s Word preached. Pray that your heart would be soft and humble before it.

How can a pastor make unwise use of commentaries and other helps in sermon preparation?


A pastor can make unwise use of commentaries and other resources in sermon preparation if he allows them—rather than the text itself—to set his sermon’s agenda.

How important is knowing the original languages to preaching?


For a preacher, knowing the original languages can be likened to what Paul said to slaves about freedom: “If you can gain your freedom, do so. If not, be content with what you have” (1 Cor. 7:21, paraphrase). In other words, if you are able to learn the original languages, do so. They are a valuable tool. But such knowledge is not absolutely necessary for a preacher, for a number of reasons.

What are some tips for preparing a sermon on a tight schedule?

Expositional sermons take time to prepare, so you need to make time. You need to meditate on and exegete the text, understand the text’s main point and turn it into a sermon outline, carefully consider how to apply the text to your hearers’ lives, and then write a sermon. So the first thing to do is block out time in your schedule. As much as you can manage, make yourself unavailable for anything else.