The Gospel
Episode 79: On Funerals
By J. Leeman, M. Dever | 03.12.2019In this episode of Pastors’ Talk, Jonathan interviews Mark about how to preside over funeral services.
Book Review: The Ten Commandments, by Kevin DeYoung
Review by Shane Walker | 02.28.2019If we want to love Christ as he deserves and as he desires, we will keep his commandments (John 14:15). And that means as we keep in step with the Spirit, we would do well to remember the Ten Commandments.
Real Calvinists Brag About Jesus, Not Calvinism
By J.A. Medders | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019You mind if I brag about the Lord for a minute? Join me.
Calvinism & Counseling
By Patti Withers | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019I rely heavily on the truth of God’s sovereignty in counseling, particularly on those aspects of his sovereignty that intersect with the doctrine of sanctification.
Definite Atonement and Church Membership
By Stephen J. Wellum | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019What does definite atonement have to do with church membership?
7 Ministry Consequences of Calvinism
By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019The goal of this piece is not to argue with or even to address the non-Calvinist pastor. It is to say to the Calvinist, “If you believe this, your ministry should look like that.”
Book Review: Humble Calvinism, by J. A. Medders
Review by Jeff Mooney | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019This book is a simple, straightforward, and humble correction and encouragement to follow the Savior from the Reformed ranks.
Book Review: By His Grace and For His Glory: A Historical, Theological and Practical Study of the Doctrines of Grace in Baptist Life, by Thomas J. Nettles
Review by Adam Triplett | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019This work can help pastors and members alike better understand how the doctrines of grace undergird and fuel passionate evangelism and missionary endeavors.
What the West Should Know about Churches in Africa
By Chopo Mwanza | 02.01.2019There’s a lot that the church in Africa can learn from our brethren in the West—and vice versa.
Book Review: Salvation with a Smile: Joel Osteen, Lakewood Church, and American Christianity
Review by Sam Emadi | 01.31.2019One key takeaway from the story of Joel Osteen’s ministry is the way that he and other modern mainstream prosperity preachers have altered the prosperity gospel to fit more with America’s secularizing worldview.
You Can’t Preach Christ Without Preaching Depravity
By Bradley Larson | 01.02.2019If we aim to preach Christ in our churches, then we must preach about what he endured and overcame on the cross.
Best Books for Pastors in 2018
By Alex Duke | 12.21.2018We asked pastors from around the world a simple question: what books did you read in 2018 that helped you be a better pastor?
4 Reasons You Should Preach through Hosea
By Adam Triplett | 12.14.2018Why should pastors preach through the book of Hosea? Consider these four reasons.
3 Reasons to Preach through Daniel
By Josh Manley | 12.07.2018The book of Daniel isn’t about Daniel. The book of Daniel is about Daniel’s God. If what you’ve taught or learned from this soaring book is that you should “dare to be a Daniel,” then I’m afraid you entirely missed the point.
When A Pastor Commits Suicide
By Nathan Carter | 11.28.2018Yet another pastor committed suicide. But this time, he was my close friend. And so I keep asking myself: How can I make sense of this?