The Gospel

The Church’s Most Powerful Political Word: The Gospel

By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Church Life: Our True Political Witness | 04.17.2018

Our gospel, the gospel of justification by faith alone, is profoundly political. It creates a new body politic, one where there’s no boasting. And it sends us as ambassadors with a message of peace for all who would look to King Jesus and live.

Churches Should Say Neither Too Little Nor Too Much

By Matthew Arbo | 9Marks Journal: Church Life: Our True Political Witness | 04.17.2018

The prophetic nature of the church is to live and speak as a people unembarrassed by the power of the gospel.

How the State Serves Both Salvation and Religious Freedom

By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Church Life: Our True Political Witness | 04.17.2018

Don’t put too much hope in government. But don’t give up on it either. Churches need good governments.

Are “Altar Calls” a Good Idea?

Are “Altar Calls” a Good Idea?

By Mark Dever | 03.22.2018

When a Christian minister preaches the gospel, there has to be an invitation. But that invitation is a call to repent and believe—not to physically relocate your body at the … keep reading…

Book Review: Perfect Sinners, by Matt Fuller

Review by Tim Chapman | 03.15.2018

Too many believers feel too often as though we’re living life on trial before God, uncertain of his verdict on us. This book should help Christians realize that’s not the case.

On Pastoring Through Theological Controversies

Episode 43: On Pastoring Through Theological Controversies (with Ligon Duncan)

By J. Leeman, L. Duncan, M. Dever | 03.13.2018

It’s not a pastor’s job to have a PhD. But pastors are called to protect the flock from false teachers, and to shepherd people through theological questions and concerns.

How Charles Spurgeon Pastored Fellow Suffering Christians

By Michael Reeves | 03.08.2018

When pastoring the suffering and depressed, Spurgeon seemed most often to have focused people on Christ crucified as the Man of Sorrows.

The Foolish Quest for a “Silver Bullet” in Global Missions

By Steve Jennings | 03.02.2018

We’ve gone mad trying to unlock what everyone since the days of the apostles hasn’t discovered yet: the perfect formula for explosive, exponential kingdom growth.

Episode 39: On “Mere Christianity”

By J. Leeman, M. Dever | 02.13.2018

Is “mere Christianity”—the conviction that we should focus on only what’s essential to being a Christian—really the path toward true Christian unity? Does it guard the gospel over time?

Why Should Christians Today Read Jonathan Edwards?

By Jeremy Kimble | 02.01.2018

Pastors in particular will benefit from Edwards, as they gain a clearer view of God, settle into a particular and important historical milieu, and consider his wisdom on a vast number of subjects.

Do You Suffer from ‘Bible Anorexia’?

By Keri Folmar | 01.22.2018

Cutting-edge music, artistic videos, and clever illustrations can build a crowd, but God’s Word is what the Holy Spirit uses to build a church.

A Biblical Theology of Church Discipline

By Bobby Jamieson | 9Marks Journal: Church Discipline: Medicine for the Body | 01.09.2018

God’s discipline of his people is an integral part of the Bible’s entire storyline, from Eden to the new creation.

Putting People Before Policies in Church Discipline

By Nate Pickowicz | 9Marks Journal: Church Discipline: Medicine for the Body | 01.09.2018

In recent years, the number of churches committed to exercising biblical church discipline seems to be increasing.

Fill Believers, Not Buildings: Why Success in Ministry Isn’t a Numbers Game

By Jaime Owens | 12.04.2017

The measure of a pulpit ministry isn’t its width, but its depth.

Pastoring a Rural Church Isn’t a “Lesser” Ministry

By Cheston Pickard | 11.13.2017

Whether we’re called to Farmington, Missouri or Washington, D.C, our goal is to help people do two things: understand the Bible and follow Jesus.