Why Women Should Rightly Understand Missions (Priscilla Talk, Ep. 36)
By E. Wheeler, J. Manley, K. Folmar | 05.13.2024In this episode of Priscilla Talk, Jenny, Erin, and Keri chat with Joanna about the importance of rightly understanding missions in a local church.
On Church in Hard Places, with Matthew Spandler-Davidson and Francisco Puente (Missions Talk, Ep. 35)
By F. Puente, J. Mack Stiles, M. Spandler-Davison, R. Robertson | 05.09.2024In this episode of Missions Talk, Ryan and Mack interview Matthew Spandler-Davidson and Francisco Puente about planting, revitalizing, and pastoring churches in hard places.
On Biblical Covenants, with Bobby Jamieson (Pastors Talk, Ep. 267)
By B. Jamieson, J. Leeman, M. Dever | 05.07.2024What covenant is the new covenant replacing? If your answer is the old covenant, what do you mean?
In this episode of Pastors Talk, Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman chat with Bobby Jamieson about the implications of biblical covenants in a local church.
On Suicide Part 3 (Counseling Talk, Ep. 4)
By D. Reju, G. Kell, H. Satrom | 05.06.2024How can Christians best assess the seriousness of someone’s suicidal feelings? And how should we walk with those left behind after the suicide of a loved one?
In this episode of Counseling Talk, Deepak, Garrett, and Hayley finish a mini-series on suicide.
1 Kings 6:1: Yep, A Whole Episode on Just One Verse (Bible Talk, Ep. 116)
By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 05.01.2024So . . . Jim Hamilton had a wild idea: let’s do a whole episode on 1 Kings 6:1. Alex Duke was dubious, even aghast. But he and Sam Emadi obliged. This conversation is the result.
In this episode of Bible Talk, they talk about burn layers and interpretive priority and Indiana Jones.
On Raising Up Associate Pastors, with Bobby Jamieson, Mark Feather, and Deepak Reju (Pastors Talk, Ep 266)
By B. Jamieson, D. Reju, J. Leeman, M. Feather | 04.30.2024What makes a good associate pastor? How can he complement a senior pastor’s weaknesses and extend his strengths?
In this episode of Pastors Talk, Jonathan Leeman interviews Deepak Reju, Bobby Jamieson, and Mark Feather about their experience as associate pastors.
How a Praying Church Benefits Women, with Megan Hill (Priscilla Talk, Ep. 35)
By E. Wheeler, J. Manley, K. Folmar, M. Hill | 04.29.2024In this episode of Priscilla Talk, Keri Folmar, Jenny Manley, and Erin Wheeler interview Megan Hill and discuss how women can bless their churches and benefit from prayer.
On Local Churches and Sending Agencies (Missions Talk, Ep. 34)
By J. Mack Stiles, R. Robertson | 04.25.2024In this episode of missions talk, Ryan Robertson and Mack Stiles talk about the relationship between local churches and sending agencies.
1 Kings 5: On the Bible’s Memory Palace Which Prepares Us for Phase 1 of Solomon’s Temple-Building Project (Bible Talk, Ep. 115)
By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 04.24.2024The story of the Old Testament is the story of God’s people returning to God’s presence. The building of the temple significantly advances that story. In 1 Kings 5, we get Phase 1 of Solomon’s construction project. Alex Duke, Jim Hamilton, and Sam Emadi discuss.
On Pastoring Frustrated Sheep (Pastors Talk, Ep. 265)
By J. Leeman, M. Dever | 04.23.2024Pastors are called to lead their sheep, even the frustrated ones.
In this episode of Pastors Talk, Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman talk about how pastors should care for frustrated sheep in the church.
On Suicide Part 2 (Counseling Talk, Ep. 3)
By D. Reju, G. Kell, H. Satrom | 04.22.2024Helping someone with suicidal thoughts can be overwhelming. How should we develop a care plan for someone struggling with on-going suicidal thoughts?
In this episode of Counseling Talk, Deepak, Garrett, and Hayley offer practical help about caring for suicidal members.
Preacher Mailbag #6 (Preachers Talk, Ep. 74)
By D. Helm, J. Meeks, K. Edward Copeland | 04.18.2024Just how much of the text should a preacher read before he preaches it? What about rereading while you preach? And how do you deal with a text that has multiple popular interpretations? These are just a few of the questions Jeremy found in the mail bag to discuss with Ed and Dave
1 Kings 3:16–4:34: On a List of People, a List of Stuff, and Solomon’s Platinum Age (Bible Talk, Ep. 114)
By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 04.17.2024Solomon is wise. Solomon is wealthy. Solomon is worth listening to. This is his Platinum Age, better than anything that came with his father David. Alex Duke chats with Jim Hamilton and Sam Emadi about 1 Kings 3:16–4:34.
On the Doctrine of the Trinity, with Bobby Jamieson and Mark Feather (Pastors Talk, Ep. 264)
By B. Jamieson, J. Leeman, M. Feather | 04.16.2024In this episode of Pastors Talk, Jonathan Leeman interviews Bobby Jamieson and Mark Feather about why pastors should care about studying the doctrine of the Trinity.
How Biblical Church Leadership Benefits Women with John Folmar, Brad Wheeler, and Josh Manley (Priscilla Talk, Ep. 34)
By B. Wheeler, E. Wheeler, J. Manley, J. Folmar, J. Manley, K. Folmar | 04.15.2024In this episode of Priscilla Talk, the hosts bring in special guests to talk about how biblical church leadership benefits women.