Preachers Talk, Episode 7: On Preaching Over the Long Haul
By D. Helm, E. Copeland, J. Meeks | 06.25.2020David Helm and Ed Copeland have both been preaching at the same place for more than 20 years. In this episode of Preachers Talk, Jeremy Meeks chats with them about how all preachers should think about preaching for the long haul.
Episode 134: On the Difference between Revival and Revivalism
By J. Leeman, M. Dever | 06.23.2020In this episode of Pastors Talk, Jonathan asks Mark to take a brief tour of church history so that pastors and Christians today can discern the difference between revival—a good thing—and revivalism—a bad thing.
Episode 133: On Why Should I Join a Church?
By J. Leeman, M. Dever | 06.16.2020Have you ever met a growing Christian who is self-consciously choosing not to join a church? In this episode of Pastors Talk, Jonathan Leeman chats with Mark Dever about the vital necessity of joining a local church.
Episode 132: On Teaching Your Church about Issues Related to Race (with Jeff Brown, James Miles, and Mark Vroegop)
By J. Miles, J. Brown, J. Leeman, M. Vroegop | 06.09.2020Should pastors try to educate their church about issues related to race and racism? If so, how?
Episode 131: On Pastoring Amidst National Trauma (with Garrett Kell)
By G. Kell, J. Leeman | 06.05.2020The past few weeks have been hard. People are grieving and angry, scared and confused.
Episode 130: On How Can I Love Church Members with Different Politics (with Andy Naselli)
By A. Naselli, J. Leeman, M. Dever | 06.02.2020Conversations about politics are often emotionally charged. We disagree because our consciences are calibrated differently. So how can we still love each other?
Preachers’ Talk, Episode 6: On Preaching in a Troubled Age
By D. Helm, E. Copeland, J. Meeks | 05.29.2020The nation is reeling, and Sunday is coming. So what should preachers do?
Episode 129: On Principles to Consider as We Gather Again
By J. Leeman, M. Dever | 05.26.2020As churches move toward gathering again, there are lots of principles to consider. One of the most important—and one of the least talked about—is the difference between what’s a church and what’s not a church.
Preachers’ Talk — Episode 5: On Preaching in a Distracted Age
By D. Helm, J. Meeks, K. Edward Copeland | 05.21.2020In this episode of Preachers’ Talk, Jeremy Meeks chats with David Helm and Ed Copeland about preaching in a distracted age.
Episode 128: On When Elders Disagree (with Matt Schmucker)
By J. Leeman, M. Dever, M. Schmucker | 05.19.2020What do we do when elders disagree?
Episode 127: On Character Matters (with Aaron Menikoff)
By A. Menikoff, J. Leeman, M. Dever | 05.12.2020More than anything, God expects pastors to be faithful. An overflowing auditorium and an efficient church is no substitute for personal holiness.
Episode 126: On When Should Churches Practice Civil Disobedience? (with Bobby Jamieson)
By B. Jamieson, J. Leeman, M. Dever | 05.05.2020When—if ever—is it okay to disobey the authorities God has placed over us? Don’t we have a God-given right to gather, even during COVID-19?
Episode 125: On “What Should I Do Now That I’m a Christian?” (with Sam Emadi)
By J. Leeman, M. Dever, S. Emadi | 04.28.2020You’re a new Christian. What’s the first thing you should do? Join a church!
Preachers’ Talk — Episode 4: Preaching in a Pandemic
By D. Helm, J. Meeks, K. Edward Copeland | 04.23.2020In this episode of Preachers’ Talk, Jeremy Meeks chats with David Helm and Ed Copeland about preaching in a pandemic.
Episode 124: On The Case Against Multisite in One Assembly
By J. Leeman, M. Dever | 04.21.2020Mark asks Jonathan to make his best case from the Bible against multi-site and multi-service churches.