On Conversion, with Brooks Buser and Michael Lawrence (Missions Talk, Ep. 33)
By B. Buser, J. Mack Stiles, M. Lawrence, R. Robertson | 04.11.2024In this episode of Missions Talk, Ryan Robertson and Mack Stiles talk with Brooks Buser and Michael Lawrence on the doctrine of conversion and how it relates to missions.
1 Kings 2:12–3:15: On Solomon’s Snake-Stomping Shrewdness and Snake-Handling Stupidity (Bible Talk, Ep. 113)
By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 04.10.2024We all know the story about Solomon pleading with the Lord for wisdom. But do you remember how it begins? It’s surprising.
Alex Duke chats with Jim Hamilton and Sam Emadi about 1 Kings 2:12–3:15, which highlights Solomon’s shrewdness and his sinfulness.
On Suicide Part 1 (Counseling Talk, Ep. 2)
By D. Reju, G. Kell, H. Satrom | 04.08.2024The temptation to suicide tricks us that death is better than life. So how should pastors and members help fellow believers who are struggling with suicidal temptations?
In this episode, Deepak, Garrett, and Hayley start a 3-part series on the weighty topic of suicide.
On Preaching Apocalyptic Literature (Preachers Talk, Ep. 73)
By D. Helm, J. Meeks, K. Edward Copeland | 04.04.2024There is no denying it, preaching apocalyptic literature is tough, so why should we do it? What are the unique benefits and challenges to preaching it well? In this episode Dave, Ed, and Jeremy discuss this important genre of literature.
Discipleship and Growth Among Women in the Local Church, with Bev Berrus (Priscilla Talk, Ep. 33)
By B. Berrus, E. Wheeler, J. Manley, K. Folmar | 04.04.2024In this episode of Priscilla Talk, Keri, Jenny, and Erin chat with Bev Berrus about how a church with a biblical concern for discipleship and growth can supercharge women’s spiritual lives.
1 Kings 2:1–12: On David’s Deathbed Charge, Solomon’s Moses-Like Transition, and the Looming Threat of a Man-Less Throne (Bible Talk, Ep. 112)
By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 04.03.2024King David is on his deathbed. What does he say to his son? “Be strong. Follow the Lord and all his ways. If you don’t . . .”
Jim Hamilton, Alex Duke, and Sam Emadi chat about 1 Kings 2:1–12.
On Work Amongst the Moi with the Whatleys (Missions Talk, Ep. 32)
With Ryan Robertson | 03.28.2024In this episode of Missions Talk, Ryan Robertson interviews the Whatleys about their work amongst the Moi people.
1 Kings 1: On David’s Decline, Adonijah’s Absalomization, and Solomon’s Donkey-Shaped Pattern (Bible Talk, Ep. 111)
By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 03.27.2024Bible Talk begins a new book! In this episode, Alex chats with Jim and Sam about 1 Kings 1.
On When You and Your Boss Have Different Philosophies of Ministry (Pastors Talk, Ep. 263)
By J. Leeman, M. Dever | 03.26.2024What should you do when you disagree with your boss? Should you stay or leave? What are disagreeable philosophies of ministry? In this episode of Pastors Talk, Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman talk about what you should do when you disagree with your boss.
On Counseling Talk (Counseling Talk, Ep. 1)
By D. Reju, G. Kell, H. Satrom | 03.25.2024Counseling Talk is here!
In this episode, Jonathan Leeman interviews the hosts—Deepak Reju, Hayley Satrom, and Garrett Kell—about the what and why of Counseling Talk.
On Life and the Pulpit (Preachers Talk, Ep. 72)
By D. Helm, J. Meeks, K. Edward Copeland | 03.21.2024Every pastor lives the majority of life outside the pulpit. How does it affect the preacher? How does the preacher embrace the moment they are in without it dominate the preaching? Dave, Ed, and Jeremy wrestle with the tension between life and the pulpit.
2 Samuel 23–24: On David’s Final Words, the Temple’s Future Address, and 1–2 Samuel’s Messianic Finale (Bible Talk, Ep. 110)
By A. Duke, J. Hamilton, S. Emadi | 03.20.2024The end of 2 Samuel is odd: it portrays the king at cruising altitude and then describes his bumpy descent. What’s going on here? Alex Duke chats with Jim Hamilton and Sam Emadi about the messianic finale of 2 Samuel 23–24.
On Children’s Ministry Part 2, with Connie Dever (Pastors Talk, Ep. 262)
By C. Dever, J. Leeman, M. Dever | 03.19.2024In this episode of Pastors Talk, Mark Dever and Jonathan Leeman interview Connie Dever about children’s ministry.
How Biblical Church Membership and Discipline Benefit Women (Priscilla Talk, Ep. 32)
By E. Wheeler, J. Manley, K. Folmar | 03.18.2024In this episode of Priscilla Talk, Keri, Jenny, and Erin discuss the importance of church membership and discipline and how they bless and protect women.
On Hurdles to Missions Mobilization, with Luke Womack and Matt Sonke (Missions Talk, Ep. 31)
By J. Mack Stiles, L. Womack, M. Sonke, R. Robertson | 03.14.2024In this episode of Missions Talk, Ryan Robertson and Mack Stiles interview Luke Womack and Matt Sonke from Airo Missions about the potential hurdles for future missionaries and how the church can help overcome them.