What Is the Gospel?

By Greg Gilbert | 06.13.2014

The Bible seems to use the word “gospel” in two different, but highly related, ways.

Clearly Uncomfortable with Contextualization

By Ed Roberts | 06.11.2014

Some people are really uncomfortable with contextualization, even though we all do it and benefit from it all the time.   What is it, anyway?…well here’s one definition…Contextualization is “the … keep reading…

Word Ministry and Deed Ministry (1 of 3)

By Jonathan Leeman | 06.11.2014

  About a year ago, a group of us at 9Marks decided to meet together semi-regularly to discuss that thorny bramble of a topic—the mission of the church. It’s a … keep reading…

Word Ministry and Deed Ministry (2 of 3)

By Jonathan Leeman | 06.11.2014

  At the risk of redundancy with the first post in this series, here’s an excerpt from something I wrote which explores a little more deeply this question of whether … keep reading…

Word Ministry and Deed Ministry (3 of 3)

By Jonathan Leeman | 06.11.2014

Here’s part 1 of this series, and here’s part 2. Now, here’s part 3: The word “mission” gets caught up in this question about the relationships of words and deeds. Some people say that … keep reading…

Walking around with Muslims: Options for Showing and Telling the Gospel

By Ed Roberts | 06.11.2014

Let’s try to keep it simple today. We really only have three options when it comes to talking with Muslims about the gospel and Islam. Since Islam typically includes culture, … keep reading…

Book Review: Antinomianism, by Mark Jones

Review by Justin Dillehay | 02.20.2014

Few questions are as pressing for Christians as “Does God’s love for me change when I disobey?”

What Is the Church’s Mission?

By Jonathan Leeman

How Can We Know What the Church Is Supposed to Do? Jesus commissioned the local church to carry out a mission. Yet local churches often disagree over exactly what Jesus … keep reading…

Evangelizing Prosperity Gospel Adherents

By Allen Duty | 9Marks Journal: Prosperity Gospel | 01.15.2014

How can we better prepare ourselves to evangelize those who believe the prosperity gospel?

Do You Know What Your Missionaries Actually Teach?!

By Sean DeMars | 9Marks Journal: Prosperity Gospel | 01.15.2014

Love the gospel, protect it, and guard it. And for the love of all things good and holy, please stop sending missionaries if they don’t.

Nine Marks of a Prosperity Gospel Church

By D. A. Horton | 9Marks Journal: Prosperity Gospel | 01.15.2014

A prosperity gospel church is a purely anti-nine marks church.

Why Is the Prosperity Gospel Attractive?

By Sugel Michelén | 9Marks Journal: Prosperity Gospel | 01.14.2014

The message of prosperity appeals directly to our native greed.

Why Has the Prosperity Gospel Prospered?

By Miguel Núñez | 9Marks Journal: Prosperity Gospel | 01.14.2014

Why this heresy? And why now?

The Soil of the Prosperity Gospel

By Jonathan Baer | 9Marks Journal: Prosperity Gospel | 01.14.2014

The prosperity gospel is the bitter harvest of an ancient seed planted in modern soil.

The Rise of a Parallel, Post-Biblical Christianity

By Grant Retief | 9Marks Journal: Prosperity Gospel | 01.14.2014

The fact that South Africa is a churched nation doesn’t mean it’s a gospeled nation.