Episode 74: On Ecclesiology for Calvinists (with Sam Emadi)
By J. Leeman, M. Dever, S. Emadi | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019For this episode of Pastors’ Talk, Jonathan interviewed Mark Dever and Sam Emadi about our new Journal, Ecclesiology for Calvinists.
Hey Calvinist, Enough of Your Revivalism
By Michael Lawrence | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.04.2019How do you grow your church? It’s a question every pastor or church leader asks, a question in which almost every Christian is interested.
Reformation Doctrine Fuels Reformation Ecclesiology: A Brief History
By Owen Strachan | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019The Reformation fire has not gone out, nor has the evangelistic zeal of the modern American church died. The Word still speaks—and the gospel still is mighty to save.
Still Young, Restless, and Reformed? The New Calvinists at 10
By Collin Hansen | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019In another 10 years, it’s probable no one will talk again of the YRR.
7 Ministry Consequences of Calvinism
By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019The goal of this piece is not to argue with or even to address the non-Calvinist pastor. It is to say to the Calvinist, “If you believe this, your ministry should look like that.”
Calvinism & Counseling
By Patti Withers | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019I rely heavily on the truth of God’s sovereignty in counseling, particularly on those aspects of his sovereignty that intersect with the doctrine of sanctification.
Five Marks of a Calvinist Pastor’s Ministry
By Aaron Menikoff | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019The last thing I want to do is imply one must embrace Calvinism to be a good pastor. Rather, in this article, I simply aim to reflect on how an affirmation of the doctrines of grace can spur a pastor on to greater degrees of faithfulness.
Calvinist Pastors and Non-Calvinist Churches: Candidating, Pastoring, and Moving On
By David Schrock | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019I want to share a few things that might be helpful for you—Calvinist pastor—if the Lord leads you to a church that doesn’t celebrate the doctrines of grace.
Preach the Bible, Not Calvinism
By PJ Tibayan | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019Do not aim to preach your system with its terminology. Aim to preach the Bible itself.
Real Calvinists Brag About Jesus, Not Calvinism
By J.A. Medders | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019You mind if I brag about the Lord for a minute? Join me.
Real Calvinists Pray
By J.A. Medders | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019Calvinism doesn’t render our prayers meaningless. On the contrary, it ought to revive and even sustain our prayer life.
Teach, Wait, Repeat: How Calvinism Fuels My Commitment to Congregationalism
By Sam Emadi | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019We’ll consider how our theology shapes our polity, how polity shapes ministry, and how ministry is fueled by our conception of God.
You’re So Depraved, You Probably Think This Church Is About You: How Total Depravity Upends Attractionalism
By Alex Duke | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019Unbelievers’ most essential problem is not that they’re ignorant, apathetic, or rudderless, but that they’ve personally, willfully, and happily rebelled against the God who made them.
How Unconditional Election Sustains Pastoral Ministry
By Jeramie Rinne | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019The theological framework commonly called “Calvinism,” and the doctrine of unconditional election in particular, has profoundly shaped my understanding of success in ministry and sustained me through the toil of shepherding.
Definite Atonement and Church Membership
By Stephen J. Wellum | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019What does definite atonement have to do with church membership?
Believe in Particular Redemption? Then Evangelize and Send Missionaries with Abandon
By Greg Turner | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019If you’re not engaged in evangelism and missions, then you don’t really believe in particular redemption.
3 Reasons Definite Atonement is Basic to Biblical Missions
By Alex Kocman | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019In order to preserve the vibrant missionary zeal of men like William Carey, it’s critical we view definite atonement not only as true but essential, forming the biblical basis of mission itself.
Dilapidated Buildings, Small Budgets, and Struggling Congregations: How Irresistible Grace Creates Steadfastness in Ministry
By Jonathan Worsley | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019The doctrine of God’s irresistible grace is for you, right now, right here, on Tuesday morning.
Why Your Doctrine of Perseverance Demands Church Discipline
By Raymond Johnson | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019A “once saved, always saved” motif that doesn’t understand conversion and its vital connection to a church shouldn’t comfort anyone in any way.
Book Review: Humble Calvinism, by J. A. Medders
Review by Jeff Mooney | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019This book is a simple, straightforward, and humble correction and encouragement to follow the Savior from the Reformed ranks.
Book Review: What’s So Great About the Doctrines of Grace? by Richard Phillips
Review by Clint Humfrey | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019This book is the doxological antidote to anyone suffering from the so-called “cage stage” fascination with Calvinism.
Book Review: By His Grace and For His Glory: A Historical, Theological and Practical Study of the Doctrines of Grace in Baptist Life, by Thomas J. Nettles
Review by Adam Triplett | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019This work can help pastors and members alike better understand how the doctrines of grace undergird and fuel passionate evangelism and missionary endeavors.
Book Review: Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, by J. I. Packer
Review by Mark Carrington | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019Packer’s book offers a concise and compelling argument unpacking how evangelism and the sovereignty of God co-exist, and if properly understood, enhance one another.
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