Why Preaching?
By Brad Wheeler | 9Marks Journal: Expositional Preaching | 06.16.2015Other forms of communication seem more immediately effective. Must we make preaching central to a church’s gathering?
Preaching Expositionally
Expositional Imposters (Expanded)
By Mike Gilbart-Smith | 9Marks Journal: Expositional Preaching | 03.09.2020Here are 12 kinds of sermons that appear to be expositional, but actually aren’t.
Is Your Preaching Tone Deaf?
By Mark Vroegop | 9Marks Journal: Expositional Preaching | 06.18.2015Faithfulness is not just saying the right words. It’s saying them like Scripture says them.
A Gospel-Centered Sermon is a Gospel-Shining Sermon
By David King | 9Marks Journal: Expositional Preaching | 06.18.2015What exactly does “gospel-centered” mean in expositional preaching?
Has Preaching Changed since the Early Church?
By Peter Sanlon | 9Marks Journal: Expositional Preaching | 06.01.2015Preachers in the first centuries preached expositionally, too. So why does their form of preaching seem so alien to us?
Knowing Your Flock
Why Knowing Your Flock Is Critical to Meaningful Preaching
By Jared C. Wilson | 9Marks Journal: Expositional Preaching | 06.02.2015The ministry of preaching cannot be divorced from the ministry of soul care because it’s an extension of soul care.
No Application? Then You Haven’t Preached
By Michael Lawrence | 9Marks Journal: Expositional Preaching | 06.18.2015Explaining the text is not applying the text, and if you haven’t applied the text, you haven’t preached.
Preaching to Women: Things for a Pastor to Consider
By Erin Wheeler | 9Marks Journal: Expositional Preaching | 06.18.2015Like all Christians, women need the ammunition of the gospel for another week of battle in this hostile world.
Manuscripts and Review
You Aren’t as Smart as You Think You Are . . . So Manuscript Your Sermons
By Jason Dees | 9Marks Journal: Expositional Preaching | 06.18.2015I’m not as smart as Martyn Lloyd-Jones or Charles Spurgeon, and neither are you. So here are 4 reasons to use manuscripts for your sermons.
The Value and Challenge of Sermon Review
By Bob Johnson | 9Marks Journal: Expositional Preaching | 06.11.2015I do not preach exactly the same way that I used to, and I hope that ten years from now I will not preach exactly as I do now.
How to Evaluate Your Pastor’s Sermons
By Keith Collier | 9Marks Journal: Expositional Preaching | 06.18.2015In the long run, good, helpful feedback will make him an even better preacher, which will contribute to your own spiritual growth and build up the church to the glory of Christ.
Encouragement for Preachers
Hope for the Melancholy Preacher
By Matt McCullough | 9Marks Journal: Expositional Preaching | 06.10.2015How do we learn to live with the fact that no sermon will ever measure up to the depths of our text, to the needs of our people, or to our ideal images of ourselves? What does success look like when you know your preaching will never be good enough?
What I’ve Learned from 33 Years of Preaching God’s Word
By Steve Hussung | 9Marks Journal: Expositional Preaching | 06.04.2015Now, at nearly the thirty-three year mark of ministry, I am running out of life much more quickly than I am running out of Bible.
What I’ve Learned After One Year of Preaching God’s Word
By Dallas Goebel | 9Marks Journal: Expositional Preaching | 06.03.2015A good gardener delights in what he plants, and finds joy in seeing the smallest fruit. So it must be for the pastor.
Book Reviews
Book Review: The Art of Prophesying, by William Perkins
Review by Andrew Ballitch | 9Marks Journal: Expositional Preaching | 06.18.2015Why should pastors today read The Art of Prophesying, a nearly 500-year-old book about preaching?
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