A Guide for Praying Nation by Nation
By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Healthy Churches around the World | 12.12.2016One of our hopes for this Journal is that it will spur you on in prayer for our brothers and sisters around the globe. To that end, we’ve compiled a list of prayer requests from our contributors.
Churches in Africa
Churches in Cameroon: Battling to Rejoice in the Riches of Christ
By Dieudonné Tamfu | 9Marks Journal: Healthy Churches around the World | 12.12.2016Despite the proliferation of the prosperity gospel, churches in Cameroon are blessed with an evangelistic fervor and missionary zeal.
Churches in Madagascar: Growing Deeper and Wider
By Tim Cantrell | 9Marks Journal: Healthy Churches around the World | 04.27.2016Please join me in rejoicing at how God’s Word is at work in Madagascar, and also in praying for the spread of his Word in that needy place.
Churches in South Africa: Hoping in the Word, Not the World
By Gustav Pritchard | 9Marks Journal: Healthy Churches around the World | 12.12.2016Despite unhelpful Western influences, over-spiritualized leadership, and even a struggling economy, the Lord is establishing his kingdom in South Africa through churches feasting on his Word.
Churches in Asia
Churches in India: A People “Formed for God”
By Aubrey Sequeira | 9Marks Journal: Healthy Churches around the World | 12.12.2016As a result of a low view of preaching for many years, the health of churches in India has suffered. Yet through a growing number of faithful shepherds, faithful preaching, and your prayers, the Lord may bring to India the reformation its churches need.
Churches in China: Growing Healthier Under Threat
By Joshua Fang | 9Marks Journal: Healthy Churches around the World | 12.12.2016For many churches in China the idea of being healthy is a luxury. Yet in recent years there is a growing trend of pursuing not only the survival, but the health of churches.
Churches in Myanmar: Fighting the Fear of Man and Glorying in God
By Justin Caudill | 9Marks Journal: Healthy Churches around the World | 12.12.2016Though they may never receive the fame of an Adoniram Judson, faithful workers across Myanmar are quietly laboring to build up the church.
Churches in Northern Pakistan: The Crucial Need for Conversion
By Steve | 9Marks Journal: Healthy Churches around the World | 12.12.2016Before churches in northern Pakistan can thrive, they must have a clear understanding of conversion.
Churches in the Philippines: Taking Seriously the Joy of the Lord
By Alvin Litonjua | 9Marks Journal: Healthy Churches around the World | 12.12.2016The Philippines prides itself on being fun and happy, and so churches are often tempted by happy, superficial solutions. Yet churches are gaining humble, careful pastors who take seriously instructing their people in the joy of the Lord.
Churches in Singapore: A City on a Hill in Southeast Asia
By Eugene Low | 9Marks Journal: Healthy Churches around the World | 12.12.2016Singapore has been blessed by many gospel-preaching churches. Pray that they would not lose the centrality of the gospel, and would be used to build healthy churches in Asia and beyond.
Churches in Korea: The Gift and Challenge of Success
By Joel Yoon | 9Marks Journal: Healthy Churches around the World | 12.12.2016The greatest blessing of the Korean church is also its greatest challenge: numerical success.
Churches in Australia & South America
Churches in Australia: The Lucky Country?
By Nathan Malpass | 9Marks Journal: Healthy Churches around the World | 12.12.2016Gospel unity and clarity is slowly growing in Australian churches, though confusion on the church and her mission persist.
Churches in Brazil: Realizing the Reformation
By Rick Denham | 9Marks Journal: Healthy Churches around the World | 12.12.2016The availability of good Christian literature has pushed Brazil into a modern Reformation.
Churches in Europe
Churches in Albania: Preserved and Maturing
By Genci Cesula | 9Marks Journal: Healthy Churches around the World | 12.12.2016After near extermination under Communism, the church in Albania has grown in numbers and maturity. Albanian Christians are growing in applying to gospel to all of life, even as they work to grow in ownership of their churches.
Churches in Great Britain: Living with the Legacy
By Mike Gilbart-Smith | 9Marks Journal: Healthy Churches around the World | 12.12.2016Conservative evangelical churches in Britain benefit from the legacy of faithful expositors of the Word. However, clarity on the centrality of the gospel is accompanied by confusion on the importance of secondary matters.
Churches in Poland: Transforming under Faithful Preaching
By Tomasz Krazek | 9Marks Journal: Healthy Churches around the World | 12.12.2016Despite over a thousand years of Roman Catholic influence, the true gospel is being proclaimed in Poland. Churches are being transformed by faithful preaching of God’s Word, and eager for access to more biblical resources.
Churches in Spain: A Smoking Flax He Will Not Quench
By Andrew Birch | 9Marks Journal: Healthy Churches around the World | 12.12.2016Though many of the churches in Spain often confuse or lose the gospel in their preaching, there is a small and growing network of churches who love gospel clarity and church health.
Churches in the Middle East
Churches in Iran: The Significance of the Lord’s Supper
By Alan Davidson | 9Marks Journal: Healthy Churches around the World | 12.12.2016If I were speaking to a room full of Christians concerned for the church in Iran, I tell them: “I intend to make the Lord’s Supper the key focus of my work with the local church.”
Churches in Israel: Proclaiming the True Messiah
By David Zadok | 9Marks Journal: Healthy Churches around the World | 12.12.2016Churches in Israel are growing in evangelistic confidence and doctrinal care, even as they wrestle with the cost of being identified with Gentile believers.
Churches in the United Arab Emirates: Lights in the Desert
By J. Mack Stiles | 9Marks Journal: Healthy Churches around the World | 12.09.2016Through the faithfulness of Christian doctors a generation ago, God gave churches favor in the eyes of the rulers of a nation in the heart of the Middle East. Through the recovery of one church, now many healthy churches are springing up in this desert country.
A Church in an Undisclosed Location: Slowly and Waveringly Maturing
By Brother John | 9Marks Journal: Healthy Churches around the World | 12.12.2016Here is the story of one church in one of the least reached corners of the world slowly and waveringly growing into maturity by the grace of God.
Western Missions and the Global Church: An Interview with Two International Christians
With Andy Johnson | 9Marks Journal: Healthy Churches around the World | 12.22.2016In this 9Marks interview, missions pastor Andy Johnson sits down with two international Christians—”Arnold” and “Vincent”—to discuss the role the Western church plays in the growth of Christianity abroad, particularly in the Muslim world and China.
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