Presenting and Arguing for the Multi-site Church
Theological Defense of Multi-Site
By Gregg R. Allison | 9Marks Journal: Multi-site Churches | 02.26.2010How strong are the biblical, theological, historical, and missional arguments used by advocates of multi-site churches?
A Pastor Defends His Multi-Site Church
By J. D. Greear | 9Marks Journal: Multi-site Churches | 02.25.2010Here is why we enthusiastically embrace the multi-site strategy as biblically sound, practically wise, and pastorally helpful.
Identifying and Locating the Multi-site Church
What Is this Thing, Anyway? A Multi-Site Taxonomy
By Greg Gilbert | 9Marks Journal: Multi-site Churches | 02.26.2010Congregational? Presbyterian? Episcopalian? Presbygational? Conbypalian? Epigregyterian? I’ve heard them all (even made up a few myself).
“Its just as congregational as any other church,” some argue. “We have a meeting of the whole church every quarter.”
“No, it’s Presbyterian” others say. “You have a group of pastors that makes decisions for multiple congregations.”
Have We Ever Seen This Before? Multi-Site Precedents
By John Hammett | 9Marks Journal: Multi-site Churches | 02.26.2010Much in the multi-site movement assumes and depends upon modern communication, ease of travel, and technology.
Clouds on the Horizon
By Matt Chandler | 9Marks Journal: Multi-site Churches | 02.25.2010When we researched multi-site churches we had a hard time pinpointing concerns with it because in all the reading we did we rarely came across two churches that do it the same way.
Arguing Against the Multi-site Church
Exegetical Critique of Multi-Site: Disassembling the Church?
By Grant Gaines | 9Marks Journal: Multi-site Churches | 02.26.2010Church structure may be secondary, but it remains important and a matter addressed in the Scriptures, which therefore requires Christian obedience.
Theological Critique of Multi-Site: What Exactly Is a “Church”?
By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Multi-site Churches | 09.30.2010What’s the difference between a church and three Christian friends throwing Frisbee at the local park?
Historical Critique of Multi-Site: Not Over My Dead Body
By Bobby Jamieson | 9Marks Journal: Multi-site Churches | 02.26.2010What could centuries-old arguments have to do with cutting-edge conversations like the one we’re trying to have about multi-site churches?
Nine Reasons I Don’t Like Multi-site Churches
By Thomas White | 9Marks Journal: Multi-site Churches | 02.26.2010My fears of the multi-site church movement are not technological; they are principled.
The Alternative: Why Don’t We Plant?
By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Multi-site Churches | 02.26.2010Christianity, by which I mean church membership, is a participatory sport, not a spectator sport.
Multi-site Book Reviews
Book Review: Multi-Site Churches, by Scott McConnell
Review by Bobby Jamieson | 9Marks Journal: Multi-site Churches | 03.03.2010An appeal to pragmatic results in order to justify a practice undermines the authority and sufficiency of Scripture.
Book Review: Franchising McChurch, by Thomas White and John Yeats
Review by Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Multi-site Churches | 03.02.2010White and Yeats offer an alternative and excellent course for our generation. Yet I wonder if we still have the ability to recognize healthy food from junk food.
Book Review: One Church, Many Congregations, by J. Timothy Ahlen and J. V. Thomas
Review by Bobby Jamieson | 9Marks Journal: Multi-site Churches | 03.03.2010Rather than criticize the book’s handling of Scripture and understanding of the church, let’s just get to the bottom line: should you read this book? No.
Miscellaneous Book Reviews
Book Review: After the Baby Boomers, Robert Wuthnow
Review by Matt McCullough | 9Marks Journal: Multi-site Churches | 03.02.2010You can either shape your ministry to address the needs and desires of young adults, or you can shape your prophetic challenge to the specific weaknesses of your context.
Book Review: unChristian, by Dave Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons
Review by Owen Strachan | 9Marks Journal: Multi-site Churches | 03.03.2010Does Christianity have am “image problem”?
Book Review: Kindled Fire, by Zack Eswine
Review by Kevin McFadden | 9Marks Journal: Multi-site Churches | 03.02.2010Eswine has done us a great service by drawing together so much material on Spurgeon into one place.
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