Wanted: Catholic Pastors

By Mark Dever | 9Marks Journal: Catholicity | 11.27.2023

Do you actively work to partner with other local churches to fulfill the Great Commission? Or do you act as if your church can take the gospel to the ends of the earth all by yourselves?

4 Things to Remember When Talking About Your Church

By Alan Patrick | 11.14.2023

If you’re going to talk about your sheep, remember to tell the whole story.

How to Do Ministry When You Have No Money

By Brian Davis | 9Marks Journal: Church Planting | 11.07.2023

Like King David, we don’t go armed from the armory of the world—no, our stones from the brook are promises from the Word of God.

Powerfully Meek Leaders

By Davy Ellison | 10.27.2023

In our meek Savior we see both restraint and boldness in perfect harmony.

Book Review: Passing the Baton, by Jeremy Walker

Review by Brad Franklin | 10.16.2023

One day, your race will be run, pastor. Who have you trained to take the baton?

Book Review: Pastor, Jesus Is Enough, by Jeremy Writebol

Review by Benjamin Vrbicek | 10.12.2023

Through many dangers, toils, and snares, pastors need a constant reminder that Jesus is enough.

Book Review: The Shepherd Leader at Home, by Timothy Z. Witmer

By Paul Alexander | 10.05.2023

Tim Witmer’s book is timely; but it’s not social critique or theological treatise. It’s simple, practical, Christian wisdom, rooted in biblical truth and love.

Pastors and Social Media

By Samuel D. James | 08.24.2023

When pastors log on to social media and berate others relentlessly, post incessantly, or communicate inappropriately, it is very likely that red flags were visible before the point of crisis.

Books Review: The Wolf in Their Pockets, by Chris Martin

Review by Jason Thacker | 07.27.2023

“The Wolf in Their Pockets” is full of wisdom for weary pastors who are wondering how to start these vital conversations in their communities about the role social media and technology play in the lives of their people.

Book Review: The Shepherd’s Toolbox, by Timothy Z. Witmer

Review by Phil Newton | 07.05.2023

‘The Shepherd’s Toolbox’ gives practical counsel for “obstacles facing those who are committed to shepherding their flocks.”

Samples of Public Prayers Prayed by Pastors

By J. Owens, J. Sanchez, M. Dever, R. Shannon | 9Marks Journal: A New Christian Authoritarianism? | 04.28.2023

Read the prayers of four pastors at city, state, and national governmental gatherings.

Baptist Covenant Theology: A Pastor’s Best Defense Against Theonomy

By Jeff Wiesner | 9Marks Journal: A New Christian Authoritarianism? | 04.28.2023

In the face of today’s so-called “culture war,” Theonomy and Reconstruction teachers often take bold stands on social issues that attract anxious evangelicals. How can pastors guide and guard their sheep from possible error?

Modern Exhortations to Pastoral Friendship

By B. Croft, J. B. Carroll, M. A. G. Haykin | 03.16.2023

Despite increasing connectedness, many in our culture face a growing isolation of the soul and pastors are prime candidates for this paradoxical lifestyle.

So, You Want to Be a Pastor?

By Sean DeMars | 03.08.2023

Here is my appeal to the aspiring pastor: brother, count the cost.

Book Review: Pastoral Visitation, by Tyler C. Arnold

Review by Brian Davis | 02.22.2023

Christ has already broken into our world so that we stay seated in the presence of God abidingly. Therefore, pastoral visitations are not a way for people to be brought into the presence of God, but rather a context to grow their understanding of being in Christ.