Are you Contending for the Truth or Quarrelsome?

By Paul Alexander | 9Marks Journal: Expressive Individualism in the Church | 03.18.2022

So how do we tell the difference between fighting the good fight and just argumentative?

How Do We Find Our Identity in Christ?

By Brian Rosner | 9Marks Journal: Expressive Individualism in the Church | 03.18.2022

The new self we are to put on is Jesus Christ, who represents God’s new humanity. It is not that we thereby lose our individuality. But who we are is brought to completion in him.

Pastoring Singles in the Age of Self

By Sam Allberry | 9Marks Journal: Expressive Individualism in the Church | 03.18.2022

Our context makes the Christian life of singleness all the more challenging, and the healthy pastoring of single people all the more urgent.

You’re a Pastor, Not a Therapist

By Jeremy Pierre | 9Marks Journal: Expressive Individualism in the Church | 03.18.2022

Pastor, you’re not a therapist. You hold a longer-term position in the lives of your people.

The Ordinances: A True and Better Identity Politics

By Bobby Jamieson | 9Marks Journal: Expressive Individualism in the Church | 03.18.2022

What can unearth and uproot and undermine the unbiblical assumptions that animate identity politics and threaten to tear apart what God has joined together? I would submit a simple, perhaps surprisingly obvious answer.

Raising Children in an Age of Expressive Individualism

By Abigail Dodds | 9Marks Journal: Expressive Individualism in the Church | 03.18.2022

The world is awash in self-identity and the need to express it far and wide. So what do parents do?

The Pastor and an Unmessianic Sense of Non Destiny

By Carl Trueman | 9Marks Journal: Expressive Individualism in the Church | 03.18.2022

We all need to cultivate that certain unmessianic sense of non-destiny which will make us better citizens of the kingdom.

Social Media Is Designed to Divide Churches—So What Do We Do?

By Clare Morell | 9Marks Journal: Expressive Individualism in the Church | 03.18.2022

How should Christians in general and pastors in particular think about discipling amid the proliferation of social media?

If You Want to Address LGBTQ Issues, Then Address Expressive Individualism

By Ryan Fullerton | 9Marks Journal: Expressive Individualism in the Church | 03.18.2022

If you want to help your church know what to make of the LGBTQ movement, as well as their own personal temptations, you’ll want to understand the soil out of which it grows.

Youth Ministry and the Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self

By Walt Mueller | 9Marks Journal: Expressive Individualism in the Church | 03.11.2022

Have our youth ministries been complicit in expressive individualism’s cancerous spread within the body of Christ?

When a Pastor’s Child Strays

By David Gough | 01.17.2022

I write not as a mere observer or sympathized, but as a father and a pastor who prays for his own wayward children. How desperately I long for them to embrace the faith they were taught.

Confessing the Faith: The Place of Confessions in Church Life

By K. Soltau, M. Short | 9Marks Journal: Sound Doctrine: The Foundation for Faithful Ministry | 11.24.2021

So in 2021, in a largely unchurched and post-Christian European country, why make confessions a regular rhythm in church life?

What the Doctrine of Justification Means for Facebook Fights Among Church Members?

By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Sound Doctrine: The Foundation for Faithful Ministry | 11.16.2021

What does sola fide have to do with Facebook squabbles?

What the Doctrine of Man Means for Your Accountability Group

By Caleb Greggsen | 9Marks Journal: Sound Doctrine: The Foundation for Faithful Ministry | 11.16.2021

The usefulness of accountability relationships depends on whether or not you allow the Bible’s instruction about people to inform how you think about such groups.

What the Doctrine of Revelation Means for Our Lord’s Day Gatherings

By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Sound Doctrine: The Foundation for Faithful Ministry | 11.16.2021

What you believe about how God reveals himself to us will impact what kind of church you build.