God Helps Those Who Help Themselves?

By Brad Wheeler | 9Marks Journal: Living As a Church | 02.25.2010

Salvation is of grace, from beginning to end.

Inerrancy of the Bible: An Annotated Bibliography

By Mark Dever | 02.25.2010

Behind the centrality of expositional preaching is the assumption of the authority and truthfulness of God’s Word.

A Biblical Case for Expositional Preaching

By Mike Bullmore | 9Marks Journal: Preaching | 02.25.2010

Those who preach should preach their Bibles.

Preach to the Ignorant, the Doubtful, and Sinners

By Mark Dever | 9Marks Journal: Preaching | 02.25.2010

I want to approach the topic of application slightly differently: not only are there different kinds of hearers, there are also different kinds of application.

A Conversational Approach: Will it Preach?

By Mike Gilbart-Smith | 9Marks Journal: Preaching | 02.25.2010

My greatest fear for the removal of authoritative preaching from the congregation is that the Scriptures themselves will cease to be treated as authoritative.

Learning to Multiply

By Tim Cantrell | 9Marks Journal: Family & Parenting | 02.25.2010

Not a single industrialized nation today has a high enough fertility rate to replace itself.

Embedded Portraits: A Theological Vision for Families 3

By Andrew Nichols | 9Marks Journal: Family & Parenting | 02.25.2010

Does the fact that we’re having a boy or a girl make any difference in parenting beyond the color of their balloons?

Embedded Portraits: A Theological Vision for Families 2

By Andrew Nichols | 9Marks Journal: Family & Parenting | 02.25.2010

There’s more to say about children and families than to simply affirm or deny the continuity of the covenants!

Clouds on the Horizon

By Matt Chandler | 9Marks Journal: Multi-site Churches | 02.25.2010

When we researched multi-site churches we had a hard time pinpointing concerns with it because in all the reading we did we rarely came across two churches that do it the same way.

Embedded Portraits: A Theological Vision for Families 1

By Andrew Nichols | 9Marks Journal: Family & Parenting | 02.25.2010

Is Satan more concerned about the families in your church than you are?

Contextualizing the Gospel in an Egalitarian World

By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: The Emerging Church | 02.25.2010

A pastor should know his congregation, and a Christian should know his non-Christian friend, so they both can exercise wisdom and sensitivity in communicating the gospel.

Preach to the Non-Christian, Christian, and Church Member

By Aaron Menikoff | 9Marks Journal: Preaching | 02.25.2010

Yes, the preacher should be sensitive to the unchurched. But if we target the unchurched alone, the message may be lost or so diluted that God’s people become malnourished.

Preaching Up: Applying the Word of God to Midlife and Beyond

By Israel Haas | 9Marks Journal: Preaching | 02.25.2010

I’m 29 years old. Can I apply the Scriptures effectively to the lives of people twice my age who live in a world without YouTube and iPods and dreams as big as the Montana sky?

Leaving Home, Returning Home

By Michael Lawrence | 02.25.2010

From the perspective of the Fall, we understand better not only what it means that we have all truly left home, but also how we can make it back again.

How God’s Wrath Equals and Reveals God’s Worth

By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: The Gospel | 02.25.2010

Wrath and worth are perfectly matched together. The former takes the measure of the latter and expresses itself accordingly. One is as precious as the other.