Book Review: Biblical Reasoning, by R. B. Jamieson and Tyler R. Wittman

Review by Kevin Vanhoozer | 01.04.2023

Jamieson and Wittman dismantle the dividing wall of, if not hostility, then indifference and incomprehension, that often separates biblical studies and theology—a wall that serves neither the Scriptures, nor the church.

Book Review: Build on Jesus, by Deepak Reju & Marty Machowski

Review by Connie Dever | 9Marks Journal: The Church's Ministries | 12.07.2022

'Build on Jesus' is a book that can help you build tomorrow’s healthy church today.

Book Review: Reaching Your Muslim Neighbor with the Gospel, by A. S. Ibrahim

Review by J. Mack Stiles | 11.17.2022

'Reaching Your Muslim Neighbor with the Gospel' is an excellent practical, down-to-earth guide for sharing faith with a Muslim friend.

Book Review: A Manual for Preaching, by Abraham Kuruvilla

Review by Kevin Walker | 11.16.2022

Kevin Walker of Simeon Trust reviews SBTS professor Abraham Kuruvilla's book 'A Manual for Preaching'.

Book Review: Fight for Your Pastor, by Peter Orr

Review by Walter Price | 11.14.2022

Orr has written a short, easily readable, wonderfully biblical, and deeply challenging word for church members of all times in a humble and engaging way.

Book Review: God Shines Forth, by Daniel Hames & Michael Reeves

Review by Allen Duty | 11.04.2022

Hames and Reeves help us see that those who delight in God are eager to share him with others and aren’t deterred by their own evangelistic shortcomings.

Book Review: Men and Women in the Church, by Kevin DeYoung

Review by Rosaria Butterfield | 09.08.2022

Kevin DeYoung has written the book that will guide the faithful evangelical and reformed church to live as men and women to the glory of God and be a refuge to those refugees from transgender ideology.

Book Review: Sing!, by Keith & Kristyn Getty

Review by Sam Emadi | 09.06.2022

So much ink spilled in the worship wars of the late 20th century missed the rather important point that when Scripture talks about the church’s musical worship, it focuses explicitly on the congregation singing, not instrumentation or musical style.

Book Review: 31-Day Devotionals for Life

Review by Mark Redfern | 09.01.2022

Every pastor needs “go-to” resources they can give to those seeking counsel. Enter '31-Day Devotionals for Life'. 

Book Review: The Beauty and Power of Biblical Exposition, by Douglas Sean O’Donnell & Leland Ryken

Review by John Musyimi | 08.25.2022

'The Beauty and Power of Biblical Exposition' is written to help pastors pay better attention to all “the literary dimensions of the Bible,” in hopes to rescue preachers (and congregations) from “sermons filled with merely abstract theological propositions and proof-texted moral applications.”

Book Review: The Loveliest Place, by Dustin Benge

Review by Dan Miller | 08.18.2022

'The Loveliest Place' provides a straight-forward, clear-headed, devotionally-oriented portrait of what the church is and the glorious work of redemption God is bringing to completion in and through his beloved bride. 

Book Review: Megachurch Christianity Reconsidered, by Wanjiru M. Gitau

Review by Conrad Mbewe | 08.11.2022

In 'Megachurch Christianity Reconsidered', you have a Christian who is also a social scientist using her professional tools to understand why one church in Nairobi, Kenya has flourished among and impacted a generation of millennials. 

Book Review: Mission Affirmed, by Elliot Clark

Review by Matt Rhodes | 08.04.2022

If you’re trying to answer the question, "How can sending churches partner fruitfully with missionaries?" then you might want to start by reading this book.

Book Review: Before You Share Your Faith, by Matt Smethurst

Review by J. Mack Stiles | 07.29.2022

Matt Smethurst consistently draws from Scripture throughout "Before You Share Your Faith" and calls us to more than an evangelistic method, but a lifestyle.

Book Review: The Life We’re Looking For, by Andy Crouch

Review by Samuel D. James | 07.21.2022

Andy Crouch’s book "The Life We’re Looking For" is a necessary and convicting work that represents precisely the kind of thinking about theology, humanity, society, and the gospel we need right now.