Church History

The Reform of First Baptist Church of Durham

By Andy Davis | 9Marks Journal: Revitalize: Why We Must Reclaim Dying Churches—and How | 10.27.2011

On Sunday morning, August 19, 2001, I began corporate worship at First Baptist Church (FBC) Durham by calling on the members of the church to repent.

Book Review: Heralds of the King: Christ-Centered Sermons in the Tradition of Edmund P. Clowney, ed. by Dennis Johnson

Review by Bobby Jamieson | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and his Staff, Part 2 | 08.29.2011

This book is a fitting tribute to a man whose writing, teaching, preaching, and personal example have helped a good many pastors to preach Christ from all of Scripture.

Book Review: Paul’s Understanding of the Church’s Mission, by Robert Plummer

Review by Kevin DeYoung | 9Marks Journal: Church Membership: Holding the Body Together | 04.28.2011

I hope Dr. Plummer will consider publishing a popular level edition of the material which puts the cookies a few shelves lower and hires a graphic design team not so tied to the 1970s.

Book Review: The Next Christians, by Gabe Lyons

Review by Owen Strachan | 9Marks Journal: Church Membership: Holding the Body Together | 04.28.2011

As we’ll see, there is room for agreement and disagreement in the answers Lyons provides to these questions.

Joining a Church the Ancient Way: From Clement to Egeria

By Michael A. G. Haykin | 9Marks Journal: Church Membership: Holding the Body Together | 04.28.2011

As it was in the earliest days of the Christian faith, so it is again: entry into a local church should be by way of catechism, creed, and baptism—and in that order.

Staying for the Glory of God: The Sibbes, Simeon and Stott Model

By Mark Dever | 9Marks Journal: Pastoral Moves | 12.20.2010

Do we as pastors consider staying for the glory of God?

Book Review: Natural Law and the Two Kingdoms, by David VanDrunen

Review by Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Book Reviews on the Mission of the Church | 10.28.2010

This book provides the transcript for 2000 years of conversation about natural law and the doctrine of the two kingdoms.

Book Review: Love that Rescues, by Eric Bargerhuff

Review by Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Hell: Remembering the Awful Reality | 08.02.2010

This book makes one point: church discipline, in spite of our expectations to the contrary, is all about God’s loving work of rescuing sinners from their sin.

Leadership Interview with Mark Dever

The Reformation, Then and Now

By M. Dever, M. Reeves | 05.04.2010

Is the Reformation over? Does it matter today? Michael Reeves unpacks the story and theology of the Reformation and exhorts Christians to study the Reformation for the sake of the gospel.

What can we learn from Fundamentalists?


From Fundamentalists, we can learn

To contend earnestly for the faith once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 3). To evangelize. To insist on the importance of penal substitutionary atonement. To vigilantly guard against false teaching. To work for the moral and doctrinal purity of the church. To separate from those who teach a false gospel.

What’s wrong with the emerging church?


See the question “What is the emerging church?” for the necessary caveat that it is difficult to accurately generalize about the emerging church. Still, somebody’s gotta do it.

Basically, what’s wrong with the emerging church is that it takes the postmodern ideology and cultural mood as its starting point—its “given”—which then relativizes Scripture’s role as our authoritative norm for life and doctrine. Examples? Proponents of the emerging church tend to:

What is the emerging church?


The emerging church is an incredibly diverse movement that sprung up out of evangelical Christianity sometime in the 1990’s. Since it has had no confession of faith, no formally recognized leaders, no denominational structure, and no official institutions, it is difficult to speak accurately about the emerging church as a whole. That said, here are some traits that characterize many within the emerging church movement. Participants in the emerging church conversation tend to:

Book Review: Why Men Do Not Go to Church, by Cortland Myers (1899)

Review by Ken Barbic | 9Marks Journal: Biblical Theology | 03.08.2010

Today is the age of target marketing. Savvy advertisers constantly ask themselves, "How can we make our product more desirable to the various groups who are presently unaware of its benefits?"

It’s in this vein that Cortland Myers raises the question in his book by the title, "Why do men not go to church?" This is, he says, "one of the burning questions of the hour."

Book Review: God So Loved the World, by Fisher Humphreys and Paul Robertson

Review by Greg Gilbert | 03.05.2010

To be quite honest, I believe a comprehensive look at Baptist history would reveal plainly that Baptists historically have been largely a Calvinistic people.

Book Review: Into the Future, by Elmer Towns and Warren Bird

Review by Greg Gilbert | 03.05.2010

The danger of trying to survey and summarize so many different books on so many different topics is that you will have neither space nor focus to deal with any of the issues well.