Church Membership

Adopting and Choosing a Statement of Faith

By Will McCartney | 07.15.2015

Not having a statement of faith exposes a church to every individual’s own interpretations of various doctrines, and opens the door for denials of biblical authority.

Getting into the Weeds of Church Membership and Baptism with Bobby Jamieson and Jonathan Leeman

By B. Jamieson, J. Leeman | 07.08.2015

What is baptism? What does baptism mean? Is it simply an individual’s declaration that they now belong to Jesus? Is it a sign and seal of the new covenant, just as God intended circumcision to be a sign and seal of the old? And what does all of this have to do with church membership? Is church membership for everyone? Only baptized believers? Baptized believers and their children?

50 Quotes from Bobby Jamieson’s New Book “Going Public: Why Baptism Is Required for Church Membership”

By Matt Smethurst | 07.07.2015

“After trusting Christ, baptism is the first thing faith does. It’s how faith shows itself before God, the church, and the world. Baptism is where faith goes public.”

Is Capitol Hill Baptist Church a replicable model of church life?

By Mark Dever | 06.26.2015

Mark Dever answers the question, “Is Capitol Hill Baptist Church a replicable model of church life?”

How to Evaluate Your Pastor’s Sermons

By Keith Collier | 9Marks Journal: Expositional Preaching | 06.18.2015

In the long run, good, helpful feedback will make him an even better preacher, which will contribute to your own spiritual growth and build up the church to the glory of Christ.

Why Knowing Your Flock Is Critical to Meaningful Preaching

By Jared C. Wilson | 9Marks Journal: Expositional Preaching | 06.02.2015

The ministry of preaching cannot be divorced from the ministry of soul care because it’s an extension of soul care.

Mailbag #8: Confidentiality among Elders; Meaningful Membership; Can an Elder Be Single?; and Young Earth Creationism

By Jonathan Leeman | 05.04.2015

—How should elders practice confidentiality? —Can an elder/pastor be single? —How do I make membership more meaningful at my church? —Should young earth creationism be a test of orthodoxy?

The Doctrine of the Church in a Post-Indiana America 

By Jonathan Leeman | 04.10.2015

The doctrine of the church is about to prove itself as important as ever in the history of America. Churches where that doctrine is weak, I fear, will soon look like what Proverbs calls a city without walls.

Mailbag #3: Plagiarizing Pastor, Membership Interview

By Jonathan Leeman | 03.20.2015

My pastor is plagiarizing. What should I do?

Book Review: Jonathan Edwards & The Church, by Rhys Bezzant

Review by Tyler Durham | 01.12.2015

Edwards’ approach, as illustrated in Bezzant’s book, tries to strike the right balance between the two extremes of out-and-out pragmatism and culturally deaf fundamentalism.

Church Membership in Theory and Practice with Ligon Duncan

By L. Duncan, M. Dever | 01.09.2015

Should the everyday Christian care about something as old-fashioned and outmoded as church membership? Does its practice make sense in contexts without church discipline? Isn’t it just a “Baptist thing”? Mark Dever interviews Ligon Duncan about all this and more in the latest 9Marks Leadership interview: “Church Membership in Theory and Practice.”

Why I’m Glad My Church Hunting Is Over

By Samuel D. James | 12.08.2014

My season of church hunting was a spiritually and emotionally challenging time, one that became harder the longer it lasted.

Don’t Give Up Meeting Together

By Michael Kelley | 12.02.2014

In an affluent and relatively free society, safe from persecution based on religious preference, what might keep us from continuing to show up?

Why We Need the Church

By Jenny Manley | 11.20.2014

The statement “I love Jesus; I just don’t care for the church” does not make sense when we understand the church is a gift given to the people of God for the glory of God.

On Being an “Ordinary” Christian: An Interview with Michael Horton

By Alex Duke | 10.14.2014

If we were more serious about these ordinary means of grace, I’m convinced the church would have a much stronger witness in the world today.