Church Planting

The Great Commission Is Guaranteed, So Let’s Get to Work

By Dayton Hartman | 11.01.2019

Every church that takes seriously the Great Commission must take seriously the need to plant more churches that will make disciples who plant more churches . . . and this is the pattern until Christ returns.

Book Review: Launch, by Nelson Searcy & Kerrick Thomas

Review by Nathan Knight | 10.31.2019

We don’t need to borrow from the business world or their definitions of profit to establish criteria for success and significance.

Book Review: Planting Missional Churches, by Ed Stetzer and Daniel Im

Review by Nathan Knight | 09.26.2019

Stetzer and Im have produced a useful book on planting, but you’ll need other books to fill in your understanding of what the church is and the responsibilities of pastoral ministry.

Book Review: The Forgotten Church, by Glenn Daman

Review by Dayton Hartman | 03.28.2019

This book is a compelling and thoughtful presentation of the value of small community ministry and the of the need for healthy local churches in those communities.