Book Review: Truths We Can Touch, by Tim Chester
Review by Paul Alexander | 04.22.2021Chester has provided the church with an accessible discipling tool for teaching Christians the significance of our Christian symbols which are, despite all our disagreements, truth made tangible.
Can We Celebrate Communion Online?
By Bobby Jamieson | 05.04.2020It’s not the case that a virtually mediated, physically dispersed Lord’s Supper is less than optimal: it’s simply not the Lord’s Supper.
How Can We Celebrate Communion When Our Churches Start Gathering Again?
By Sam Emadi | 05.01.20209Marks surveyed several pastors to see how they intended on serving communion once their church starts gathering again.
Mailbag #80: Should Pastors Discuss Past Sins? . . . Should Believers Ever Abstain from Communion? . . . Conducting Membership Interviews for Single Women
By D. King, J. Joseph, M. McKinley | 04.12.2019— How much should a pastor share about past sins? — When should believer’s abstain from the Lord’s Supper? — Should women do membership interviews for single women?