
Book Review: Orthodox Radicals, by Matthew Bingham

Review by Bobby Jamieson | 08.29.2019

It is logically easier to be baptistic without being congregational than to be congregational without being baptistic. Yet the two convictions fit together snugly. Maybe our earliest English ecclesiological ancestors were on to something.

Mailbag #87: Are there Qualifications for Serving in the Church? . . . What Should a Congregation Vote On?

By J. Kurz, R. Johnson | 07.26.2019

— Does the Bible specify qualifications for serving in the church? — What matters should a congregation vote on?

What Does Congregationalism Really Look Like?

What Does Congregationalism Really Look Like?

By Mark Dever | 01.26.2018

What Mark Dever tells his congregation: if I start teaching false things, then because you love me please fire me.