Corporate Worship

“But A Portion of Our Transgressions”: A Model Prayer of Confession

By Omar Johnson | 08.21.2017

If You, O LORD, should mark iniquities, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, through Christ Jesus.

Music for the Church

Music for the Church: Mark Dever Interviews Keith Getty

By K. Getty, M. Dever | 07.18.2017

Mark Dever recently sat down with hymn writer and musician Keith Getty to talk about music for the church. Listen to the interview below.

12 Principles on How to Disagree with Other Christians

By A. Naselli, J. D. Crowley | 07.10.2017

It matters how you treat those who disagree with you on disputable matters. When you welcome them as Christ has welcomed you, you glorify God.

Episode 16: On Corporate Prayer

By J. Leeman, M. Dever | 05.30.2017

In many evangelical churches, the public prayers are casual, short, and few. Is that a problem?

11 Reasons For A Weekly Service Review—And 4 Cautions Once You Start

By Jeff Lacine | 04.26.2017

I’ve found a weekly service review to be one of the most effective tools in ministry for mentoring men and growing as a preacher.

Pastor, Defend Christian Liberty

By Caleb Greggsen | 02.09.2017

We trivialize the doctrine of Christian liberty when we focus on freedom to while neglecting the beauties of freedom from.

Mailbag #49: Home Groups Over Church; Pastoring an Unmarried Woman Who Wants to Adopt

By Jonathan Leeman | 01.20.2017

— Is it permissible for Christians to opt out of church in favor of home groups? — If an unmarried member of your church sought to adopt a foster child, what would you say?

Churches in Iran: The Significance of the Lord’s Supper

By Alan Davidson | 9Marks Journal: Healthy Churches around the World | 12.12.2016

If I were speaking to a room full of Christians concerned for the church in Iran, I tell them: “I intend to make the Lord’s Supper the key focus of my work with the local church.”

Mailbag #44: Applying “Husband of One Wife”; Leaving the Church but Attending Bible Study; Women Voting in the Church

By Jonathan Leeman | 12.09.2016

— What does “husband of one wife” mean? That a prospective elder must have never been divorced? — Someone who left our church still wants to attend our church’s ladies’ Bible study. Is that okay? — Does 1 Timothy 2:12 forbid women from voting in congregational matters?

Preach About the Church to the Church

By Keith Collier | 11.16.2016

But despite the trend of growing expository preaching, what if a blind spot—a byproduct of 20th-century evangelicalism—exists in our preaching?

6 Reasons Congregational Singing Is Waning

By Thom Rainer | 11.08.2016

Here is the clear reality in many congregations: congregational singing is waning in many churches. In some churches it seems to have disappeared altogether.

Mailbag #40: Too High a Standard for Church Membership; Where Are Churches Commanded to Gather Weekly

By Jonathan Leeman | 11.04.2016

—You say the standard for church membership is nothing more than simply “being a Christian.” But that’s not entirely true, is it? —Where in Scripture are local churches commanded to gather every week?

Book Review: Calling on the Name of the Lord: A Biblical Theology of Prayer, by J. Gary Millar

Review by Paul Alexander | 9Marks Journal: The Church Praying | 10.14.2016

Why pray certain things? Because the Bible tells you to from cover to cover. This book will simplify, motivate, and focus your own prayer life.

How Scripture’s Authority Shapes What We Do On Sunday Morning

By Brian Davis | 9Marks Journal: Authority: God's Good and Dangerous Gift | 09.28.2016

How do we decide what to do when we gather together on Sundays? Well, quite simply, we don’t decide. God does—and God has.

Book Review: Praying Together, by Megan Hill

Review by Erin Wheeler | 09.27.2016

Are you someone who struggles to pray? Read this book. Are you someone who wonders whether it’s worth the often costly sacrifice to join mid-week with other saints to pray? Read this book.