
When a Pastor’s Child Strays

By David Gough | 01.17.2022

I write not as a mere observer or sympathized, but as a father and a pastor who prays for his own wayward children. How desperately I long for them to embrace the faith they were taught.

Parenting Advice for Pastors

By Ed Moore | 9Marks Journal: Shepherding: The Work & Character of a Pastor | 06.29.2020

Listen to these points with a discerning ear and apply them by grace as they relate to you.

A Published Homage to My Unpublished Dad

By Caleb Batchelor | 06.19.2020

I love my dad and I’m writing to honor him. But I also want to commend his example to other pastors.

What We Can Teach Our Kids about Complementarianism

By Bobby Scott | 9Marks Journal: Complementarianism: A Moment of Reckoning | 12.10.2019

What can we teach our kids about complementarianism?

Joy for Joyless Pastors’ Wives

By Keri Folmar | 9Marks Journal: Complementarianism: A Moment of Reckoning | 12.10.2019

So if you’re bogged down and unable to see the importance of your ministry, get up to the crest of the hill and survey your husband’s work. The fruit he bears is the fruit of your ministry too.

The Accidental Reformation: How Luther and Calvin Reformed the Family

By Owen Strachan | 9Marks Journal: Complementarianism: A Moment of Reckoning | 12.10.2019

Martin Luther and John Calvin represent two theologians of the Reformation, that Bible-driven movement so long ago, who promoted God’s vision for the family and led many to do the same.

Mailbag #83: Protecting the Sunday Gathering by Limiting Reasons to Be Out of Room . . . Caring for Over-Worked Children’s Ministry Workers

By D. Russell, J. Leeman | 05.13.2019

— To what extent should the church protect the Sunday morning gathering by limiting reasons for members to be “at church” but out of the room? — What do you do to care for the spiritual health of your children’s ministry leaders?

Youth and Church Membership—Or, Stop Baptizing Children into the Ether

By Alex Duke | 9Marks Journal: Church Membership: Following the Lord Together | 05.07.2019

A church should not baptize young people apart from church membership. To do so is unbiblical, unhelpful, and unloving.

We Need to Help New Converts from Non-Christian Backgrounds Honor Their Families

By Ajith Fernando | 03.28.2019

It’s vital for older Christians to talk often with new Christians, making sure that in following Christ, they haven’t unduly harmed their relationship with their family.

Book Review: The Storm-Tossed Family, by Russell Moore

Review by Robin Weekes | 12.12.2018

The range of what Moore covers is bold: upbringing, marriage, children, perseverance in marriage, divorce, growing old, and caring for those who are aging. He explores these topics with an exegete’s skill and a pastor’s heart.

counsel couple past sexual sins pornography

How to Counsel Couples Through Past Sexual Sin

By Scott Croft | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

Practically, let’s talk about when and how pastors can guide dating or engaged couples through difficult conversations about past sexual sin.

when your husband looks at porn

When Your Pastor-Husband Looks at Porn

By Carrie Kell | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

The sting of pornography has struck many marriages. The way forward can feel confusing and demoralizing. But there’s hope.

Is Pornography Use Ever Grounds for Divorce?

By Thomas R. Schreiner | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.29.2018

In Matthew 5:32 and 19:9, Jesus gives grounds for divorce based on sexual immorality (porneia). Does pornography use qualify?

Are Catechisms a Baptist Thing?

By Jeff Robinson | 10.01.2018

To the thinking of many, “Baptist” and “catechism” aren’t allies. But historically speaking, nothing could be further from the truth.

A Strategy for Delaying the Baptism of Young Children

By Scott Daniel | 08.24.2018

What should you say to the family of a young child who wants to be baptized?

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