
Mailbag #10—Lord’s Supper in Nursing Home; Christians Dating a Non-Christian; Role of Small Group Leaders; New Pastor in Need of Help

By Jonathan Leeman | 07.31.2015

Lord’s Supper in Nursing Home » Christians Dating a Non-Christian » Role of Small Group Leaders » New Pastor in Need of Help » Mike, We get some version of … keep reading…

Getting into the Weeds of Church Membership and Baptism with Bobby Jamieson and Jonathan Leeman

By B. Jamieson, J. Leeman | 07.08.2015

What is baptism? What does baptism mean? Is it simply an individual’s declaration that they now belong to Jesus? Is it a sign and seal of the new covenant, just as God intended circumcision to be a sign and seal of the old? And what does all of this have to do with church membership? Is church membership for everyone? Only baptized believers? Baptized believers and their children?

50 Quotes from Bobby Jamieson’s New Book “Going Public: Why Baptism Is Required for Church Membership”

By Matt Smethurst | 07.07.2015

“After trusting Christ, baptism is the first thing faith does. It’s how faith shows itself before God, the church, and the world. Baptism is where faith goes public.”

Mailbag #9—Lord’s Supper in Small Groups; Elder Disqualified by Unbelieving Wife; Immersion Necessary for Baptism?

By Jonathan Leeman | 06.12.2015

—Is it legitimate to take the Lord’s Supper apart from a local congregation? —Can a man with an unbelieving wife serve as an elder? —Is immersion necessary for baptism?

Can Women Teach Under the Authority of Elders?

By Jonathan Leeman | 05.22.2015

Jonathan Leeman continues a conversation with John Piper, Tim Keller, John Frame, Tom Schreiner, and others.

Church Membership in Theory and Practice with Ligon Duncan

By L. Duncan, M. Dever | 01.09.2015

Should the everyday Christian care about something as old-fashioned and outmoded as church membership? Does its practice make sense in contexts without church discipline? Isn’t it just a “Baptist thing”? Mark Dever interviews Ligon Duncan about all this and more in the latest 9Marks Leadership interview: “Church Membership in Theory and Practice.”

Book Review: The Community of Jesus, ed. by Christopher Morgan and Kendell Easley

Review by Andy Naselli | 10.30.2014

This book wrestles with the key texts on the people of God throughout Scripture, shrewdly synthesizes the themes, and warmly applies it to God’s people today.

Twenty-Two Problems with Multi-site Churches

By Jonathan Leeman | 10.01.2014

In an age which wants authenticity and reality, multi-site is ironically anti-incarnational: it divides Word from flesh.

“Open Membership” for Baptists? No Such Thing

By Jonathan Leeman | 08.28.2014

What do we call objective symbols without the subjective realities behind them? Falsehoods.

Non-Congregationalists, Stop Firing Your Church Members!

By Jonathan Leeman | 08.27.2014

Don’t tell me that I formally wear Jesus’ name before the nations, but that I’m powerless to protect his name against false doctrine and false teachers.

Putting in a Good Word for Congregationalism

By Jonathan Leeman | 08.22.2014

I don’t mean these remarks as a full-on explanation or defense of congregationalism, but simply an attempt to give a more careful treatment to the matter of authority.

Questioning Kevin DeYoung’s Good Word on Presbyterianism

By Hunter Powell | 08.22.2014

Not so fast! That’s my quick response to Kevin DeYoung’s six-point post called “Putting in a Good Word for Presbyterianism.”

Must Baptism Precede Membership? Of course!

By Jonathan Leeman | 08.22.2014

How does a local church make that declaration that one belongs to Christ and his kingdom? Through baptism (and the Lord’s Supper).

All Together Now: From Multiple Services Toward a Single Assembly

By Kyle Cheatham | 08.22.2014

“But what if the building is getting full and you still want to reach more people?” Certainly, we should not pursue one priority (community) at the expense of another (evangelism).

How T4G Gave Me a Vision for Massive Single-Site, Single-Service Churches

By Jonathan Leeman | 08.22.2014

Perhaps the lesson here is, if your preaching will bring that many people, maybe it’s not such a bad thing to build the big building after all.