
Pastors’ Forum: Are Denominations Worth It?

9Marks | 9Marks Journal: Church and Churches | 05.10.2013

9Marks asked a roundtable of pastors the same question: Are denominations worth it? Here are their answers. Tom Ascol Are denominations worth it? That depends on what your definition of … keep reading…

Cooperative Ministry in the New Testament

By Chad Brand | 9Marks Journal: Church and Churches | 05.10.2013

Share, help, support, send—New Testament churches cooperated in all these ways and more. We should too.

Testing the Glue that Binds Churches Together

By Bobby Jamieson | 9Marks Journal: Church and Churches | 05.10.2013

In an allegedly post-denominational age, what binds churches together? Does that glue work?

Book Review: Center Church: Doing Balanced, Gospel-Centered Ministry in Your City, by Tim Keller

Review by Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Christians for the Workplace | 02.12.2013

Center Church is Tim Keller’s magnum opus.

Polity Is For Everybody

By C. Van Dixhoorn, H. Powell, M. Dever | 01.31.2013

How does church polity connect to our discipleship as Christians? Why is sound church government critical to evangelism and missions? Jonathan Leeman asks Mark Dever, Chad Van Dixhoorn, and Hunter Powell.

Book Review: Baptist Distinctives and New Testament Church Order, by Kevin Bauder

Review by Kevin Wilkening | 9Marks Journal: Lay Elders: A User’s Guide—Part 2 | 01.03.2013

What is a Baptist? This is not a rhetorical question. This is a test.

Leadership Interview with Mark Dever

The Power and Importance of Polity

By H. Powell, J. Leeman, M. Dever | 05.31.2012

Jonathan Leeman asks Hunter Powell and Mark Dever about authority in the church. What authority does the congregation have? What about the elders? And what did the congregationalists at the Westminster Assembly have to say about it?

The Case for the Senior Pastor

By Greg Gilbert | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and his Staff, Part 2 | 08.29.2011

There’s enough biblical evidence in the New Testament to warrant the idea of a senior or lead pastor among the pastors.

How Much Should You Pay Your Pastors?

By Patrick Traylor | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and his Staff, Part 2 | 08.29.2011

The first step in preparing a healthy compensation decision is, by God’s grace, to build a healthy local church with biblical structures of leadership and accountability.

How Parachurch Ministries Go Off the Rails

By Carl Trueman | 9Marks Journal: Church and Parachurch: Friends or Foes? | 03.01.2011

The parachurch is not the church. It does not do what the church does, and it should not supplant the church in the minds and lives of those involved in its work.

Book Review: Church 3.0, by Neil Cole

Review by Geoff Chang | 9Marks Journal: Pastoral Moves | 12.23.2010

If you want to acquaint yourself with a leading voice of the house church movement, read this book, but then turn elsewhere for what Scripture teaches about the local church.

Baptism - water bubble

Book Review: Baptism—Three Views

Review by Jonathan Leeman | 10.23.2010

I was convinced of the believers’ baptism picking up the book, and I remain convinced of it setting it down, maybe even more so.

Theological Critique of Multi-Site: What Exactly Is a “Church”?

By Jonathan Leeman | 9Marks Journal: Multi-site Churches | 09.30.2010

What’s the difference between a church and three Christian friends throwing Frisbee at the local park?

Does the New Testament pattern of a plurality of elders in every church preclude the position of senior pastor?


In the New Testament, the normal pattern is for churches to have a plurality of elders (Acts 14:23; Phil. 1:1; Jas. 5:14). Does this mean that no single man among them should be called the “senior pastor” and possess a larger measure of relational and institutional authority?

How do elders relate to the authority of the congregation?

Elders are installed and removed by the will of the congregation. Even though they should have considerable authority over the congregation, they are finally accountable to the congregation and their continuance in office depends on the consent of the congregation. Congregation should trust and follow their elders in matters of Christian discipleship. The New Testament commands church members to obey and submit to those in authority over them (Heb. 13:17, 1 Thess. 5:12).