
What the Doctrine of the Trinity Means for Prayer

By Tyler Wittman | 9Marks Journal: Sound Doctrine: The Foundation for Faithful Ministry | 11.16.2021

Though we intuitively think of prayer as something we do to God, the trinitarian dynamics of prayer tell us just the opposite; more than anything, prayer is something God does to us.

Pray for Other Members

By Ty Gooch | 9Marks Journal: How to Build Up Your Church: A Guidebook for Members | 03.30.2021

We all know how terribly trite it feels to ask God over and over again to help out your fellow church members with their health, safety, or money problems. So how do we pray without just repeating ourselves?

Publicly Praying for Government Authorities

By Shane Walker | 9Marks Journal: Pastoring Through Political Turmoil | 09.29.2020

Why bother praying publicly for politicians? There are so many reasons not to do it. But they’re insufficient. Why? Simply put, because God commands it.

Episode 138: On What if I Don’t Desire to Pray (with John Onwuchekwa)

By J. Onwuchekwa, J. Leeman, M. Dever | 07.21.2020

As Christians, we know we should pray. But too often, we fail to because we simply don’t desire to.

Book Review: Enjoy Your Prayer Life, Michael Reeves

Review by Cheston Pickard | 06.11.2020

If you are having trouble in your prayer life, this book will drive you to the Word and to the God who hears His children.

On Prayer Service

How to Pray for Your Pastor During Lockdown

By Christopher Ash | 05.08.2020

This global lockdown affects us all differently. We live under widely varying regulations in different countries or even in different counties within the same country. But there are some things you can pray for your pastor—regardless of his circumstance.

COVID-19 Has Helped Our Church to Pray More Fervently

By Matthias Lohmann | 04.13.2020

God is good. He consistently uses circumstances that we might think are bad to bring about his glorious purposes among his people.

Why Do We Pray So Little?

By John Onwuchekwa | 03.11.2020

Why does it seem like churches give themselves to prayer only in times of crisis? John Onwuchekwa reflects on this difficult question.

Book Review: The Prayers of Jesus, by Mark Jones

Review by Ryan Troglin | 10.10.2019

If your prayer life needs a jolt of electricity, The Prayers of Jesus might just do the trick.

Why and How We Started a Sunday Evening Service

By Matthew Fletcher | 09.30.2019

On the first Sunday of 2019, our church started a Sunday evening service. Here’s how and why we did it.

3 Reasons We Ought to Corporately Lament

By Mark Vroegop | 04.08.2019

Corporate lament is a unique voice that empathizes, models, and unites a body, especially when tension fills the room.

4 Ways Martin Luther Encourages Pastors to Pray

By Mark Rogers | 02.25.2019

As a fellow pastor, Martin Luther provides a treasure of wisdom and insight on prayer.

Real Calvinists Pray

By J.A. Medders | 9Marks Journal: Ecclesiology for Calvinists | 02.05.2019

Calvinism doesn’t render our prayers meaningless. On the contrary, it ought to revive and even sustain our prayer life.

Cultivating a Culture of Transparency in Your Church

By James Choi | 9Marks Journal: The Pastor and Pornography | 10.30.2018

We should pray that our members would understand the need to make our relationships transparent—to share embarrassing things about ourselves, to speak honestly, and to ask one another careful, loving questions

Should Pastors Talk about Brett Kavanaugh on Sunday?

By Jonathan Leeman | 10.04.2018

You don’t have to address Brett Kavanaugh this Sunday. But if you do, don’t pick a side.

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