Preaching through the Bible

Three Reasons You Should Preach through Proverbs

By Juan Sanchez | 09.27.2018

Proverbs makes for challenging preaching, but who else is going to teach our people how to read wisdom literature if we don’t?

3 Reasons You Should Preach through the Psalms

By David King | 09.20.2018

It’s been said that all of life with God is expressed in the Psalms. That’s true, and your people need the comprehensive discipleship course found in this book. Our own souls need it, too.

4 Reasons You Should Preach through Job

By Jeff Lacine | 09.14.2018

While God ordains that the righteous suffer, God is not indifferent towards our pain and suffering.

5 Reasons You Should Preach through Esther

By Mike Gilbart-Smith | 09.06.2018

Esther may seem like a strange book to preach through, particularly for those who are keen to preach Christ from the Old Testament.

5 Reasons You Should Preach through Nehemiah

By Jaime Owens | 08.30.2018

Nehemiah has been used and abused for every kind of building project and capital campaign known to church. But the main point of Nehemiah is that in the face of opposition to the gospel, we should put our trust in God because he is unwaveringly committed to his glory and his people.

4 Reasons You Should Preach Through Ezra

By Curtis Hill | 08.23.2018

God used the book of Ezra to increase our church’s hope in Jesus. So here are four reasons you should consider preaching through it.

4 Reasons You Should Preach through 1 & 2 Chronicles

By Garrett Conner | 08.09.2018

What if there was a book that provided us a concise review of the whole Old Testament? Well, there is—the book of Chronicles!

7 Reasons You Should Preach through 1 & 2 Kings

By Jason Seville | 08.02.2018

The books of 1 and 2 Kings teach us about a faithful God, his faltering people, and a future hope.

3 Reasons You Should Preach through 1 & 2 Samuel

By Allen Duty | 07.27.2018

These books help readers understand why Israel transitioned to a monarchy, how that monarchy succeeded and failed, and how that monarchy ultimately points to Jesus, who will rule one day with love and justice forever.

4 Reasons You Should Preach through Ruth

By Jonathan Rourke | 07.20.2018

There are dozens of reasons to preach through Ruth, but I’ll limit it to four.

4 Reasons You Should Preach through Judges

By Josh Vincent | 07.12.2018

Judges is the darkest book in the Old Testament. So why should you preach through it for your people?

3 Reasons You Should Preach through Joshua

By Clift Barnes | 07.05.2018

The book of Joshua doesn’t receive the attention it deserves.

3 Reasons You Should Preach through Deuteronomy

By Jeff Mooney | 06.28.2018

The book of Deuteronomy portrays God as King and reveals the way his people should live in covenant with him.

6 Reasons You Should Preach Through Numbers

By C. W. Faulkner | 06.22.2018

The book of Numbers teaches us that when God is with his people, the only thing they need to fear is their own sin.

5 Reasons You Should Preach through Leviticus

By Juan Sanchez | 06.14.2018

How can a holy God relate to sinful people? Leviticus provides us an answer to that question.